Title: Welcome To San Luis Sports Therapy- Paso Robles
1Welcome To San Luis Sports Therapy- Paso Robles
2Why SLST Paso Robles Physical Therapy Fitness?
Thank you very much for inquiring about our
physical therapy and fitness coaching gym. We
realize you have many choices when it comes to
fitness and wed like to thank you for allowing
us to present some information concerning our
business. Having been involved in the physical
therapy and fitness business for several years,
we realize you are coming to us because you are
ready to make or are considering a change but may
not know where or how you should start. We
understand the amount of information at your
fingertips with an internet search or through
your social networks quickly becomes
overwhelming, often confusing and at times even
contradictory. You will find a million simple
solutions whether you desire a change to Embark
on your weight loss journey Enhance your
existing fitness or athletic training Boost your
energy after a lapse in your exercise training or
years of inactivity Begin a senior fitness
program to age gracefully as you choose to thrive
and enjoy life in your retirement years.
3Our san luis sports therapy location in paso
robles is a 7500 square foot physical therapy and
fitness clinic. When we work with you we provide
an integrated approach considering your goals
based on how comfortably you move, your medical
history, current physical fitness and nutrition.
Before you even think about starting one of san
luis sports therapys programs we give you a FREE
consultation. This consultation helps you
determine where your body is now so that you have
all the critical information you need before you
even consider starting our programs or any other
physical therapy or gym programs.
4(No Transcript)
5Contact Us-
San Luis Sports Therapy- Paso Robles1345 Park
StPaso Robles, CA 93446(805) 226-0975Info_at_slstp
aso.Com http//slstpaso.com/
6Thank You!!!