Title: Sound Absorbing Wall Panels
1Sound Absorbing Wall Panels
2Suspended Acoustic Baffles
The Shush Baffle is designed for ceiling
suspension in loud areas that require reduction
in echo to produce more favorable room acoustics.
The Shush Baffle can create a ceiling into a
wonderful and beautiful feature with rectangular
3 Acoustic Privacy Rooms
4Acoustics in Restaurants
5Conference Room Acoustics
Audio-visual and video-conferencing systems
installed in rooms with many hard services will
leave you with compromised sound quality. Good
sound quality is a prerequisite for natural
communication, a room with an issue of high
reverberation, (sound bouncing and echoing round
a room) will inevitably make speech inaudible and
harder to understand. This ultimately takes the
focus away from important aspects of the meeting
or presentation being held.
6Contact Us
Soundhush Ltd Unit 2, Warren Barn Farm Little
Milton Oxfordshire OX44 7PR United
Kingdom Telephone 01844 27 88
88 info_at_soundhush.com http//www.soundhush.com/
7 Thank You !!!