Title: Bakrid celebration 2016
1Eid al-Adha Bakrid Celebration with
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6Here comes the day, once in a blue moon. With
chanda mama shining up bright And blessing
everyone. Her love is so tender and
merciful. Shining down on the earth and wishing
us Happy Eid. Bakrid wishes
7I wish a wish for u. Da wish i wish for few. Da
wish i wish for u is dat your all wishes come
true So, keep on wishing as my all wishes are
with you. Bakra Eid Mubarak
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10Top Bakrid Greeting
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12Eid is a celebration for Muslims to celebrate Eid
is time to say Eid Mubarak and pray Some Muslims
give money to their children and say Eid
Mubarak Some Muslims go to their friend and
neighbors Some people give money to other
children, Eid Mubarak to all. "Bakrid "
13Informative Links
- Website
- http//123happynewyear.com/festivals/bakr
id.html -
- Bakrid Celebration
- http//123happynewyear.com/bakrid/bakrid-
celebration.html - Bakrid Greeting
- http//123happynewyear.com/bakrid/bakrid-g
reeting.html - Bakrid History
- http//123happynewyear.com/bakrid/bakrid-h
istory.html - Bakrid Messages
- http//123happynewyear.com/bakrid/bakrid-m
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