Title: Best Woods to Burn in Fireplace
1Best Woods to Burn in Fireplace
Ash is among the best woods for a fireplace. It
can be split easily and catches fire easily. It
dries more quickly than other forms of wood
species. No heavy smoke is produced. So overall
ash wood is the most suitable for wood heaters.
Oak is also considered a good option as it is a
slow burning wood which creates plenty of heat
even with less flame. The only drawback is that
it needs a long seasoning period. Oak can be
difficult to split, but produces a high degree of
Shagbark Hickory is known for being a heavy and
dense wood. It offers a high heating value. It
also emits a sweet aroma. The only drawback is
that it is a bit difficult to split.
Sugar Maple and Black Maple are considered good
due to their heating value and easy splitting.
Apple wood is ideal as it has a high heating
value. It emits a nice aroma while burning.
Splitting can be done easily.
Beech wood offers decent heating value making it
a good choice for the fireplace. No heavy smoke
or excessive sparks are created.
Pecan offers useful features like high heating
value, pleasant aroma, easy to split, etc. It
doesnt produce excessive smoke or sparks.
Ironwood offers high heating value. Being dense
it is very difficult to split. The disadvantage
of these woods is that they create sparks at
10Contact Us
Sydney Heaters Pizza Ovens
Address - 151 Briens Rd, Northmead
NSW, 2152, Australia Phone Number - 1300 938
346 Website - www.sydneyheaters.com.au Email Id
- enquiries_at_sydneyheaters.com.au