Title: Feather.Com.Au Provides Feather Hair Extensions
1 Feather.Com.Au Provides Feather Hair Extensions
2About Feather.Com.Au
- Feathers are natures most beautiful product and
complement fashion, wedding table centre pieces
and, of course, stage shows and productions! With
Australias largest in stock range of feathers,
Feather.com.au provides - - The highest standard of beautiful natural
feather headdresses - - A wide range of colours
- Direct supply to the public, fashion designers
3Feather Hair Extensions
100 natural feathers which are bonded to
your hair by means of a microloop and silicon
ring. Our feather hair extensions are sourced
exclusively through Whiting Farms. All of
the feather hair extensions are quick and easy
applicaton and the feathers will last anywhere up
to 4 months if you wish. Feathers should be kept
as they can be reapplied as many times as you
4Feather Hair Extensions
5Feather Hair Extensions
6Contact Us
Feather.com.au  5,11-13 Cochrone
Street Kincumber NSW 2251 Australia Phone 02 43
683 427 Email helpdesk_at_feather.com.au