Title: Insert Molding Process (1)
1WELCOME TO Moulds Asia
2(No Transcript)
3Injection molding is a new way to manufacture
parts. Generally it is used in case of mass
production and prototyping. Technologically,
plastic injection mold is the process of forcing
melted plastic in to a mold cavity. Once the
plastic is cooled, the part can be ejected.
4Todays technological world is quite aware about
the concept and usage of insert moulding in
various industries. Basically, insert moulding is
a process of multiple combinations of metal and
plastics into a single unit. Engineering plastics
are user in this process for improved wear
resistance, tensile strength and weight
reduction. Likewise metallic materials are used
for for strength and conductivity.
5The process injection molding requires the use of
an injection molding machine, raw plastic
material, and a mold. The plastic is melted in
the injection molding machine and then injected
into the mold, where it cools and solidifies into
the final part. Though there are so many molding
processes are available but the plastic injection
mould manufacturers adopt the most suitable
process basing on its budget, expertise and
6 Our Qualifications
7Contact Information
13,36 Rd., Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung
407, Taiwan R.O.C. 407648 Tel 886-4-2359-9288 Fa
x 886-4-2359-9299 Mail marketing_at_mingli-molds.c
om.tw Sales contact Karl Wu (Ext. 23) Mail
karl_at_mingli-molds.com.tw http//www.moulds.asia/