Title: Sydnie Ozanus - Career Driven
1Sydnie Ozanus Career Driven
Sydnie Ozanus is an extremely driven individual
who is determined to reach her career goals. She
received the Career Prep Student of the Year
honor while studying at Prosper High School, from
which she graduated a year early, demonstrating
her desire to focus on her future. She has just
completed her freshman year as a pre-med student
at Texas Tech University, achieving a 3.4 Grade
Point Average..
2Sydnie Ozanus Talented Dancer
As a child, Sydnie Ozanus took dance classes for
nine years, developing the grace and poise that
one would expect from somebody who is talented in
the activity. She has a particular affinity for
ballet and looked forward to her lessons
immensely. Though she now longer takes lessons,
she still likes to dance whenever she is able,
often demonstrating her skills to her
friends.Sydnie Ozanus trained in ballet for nine
years and has great respect for the dance.
Teamwork is at the core of all great ballet
performances and everybody in a troupe will work
towards the improvement of the whole so that the
group is able to put on amazing performances for
those who wish to see them.
3Sydnie Ozanus Working As A Nanny
In addition to being a college student, Sydnie
Ozanus has also demonstrated her work ethic by
taking on a number of part-time jobs. In the
summer of 2015 she worked as a nanny to two
children, taking responsibility for making sure
they got to their summer camps and various other
activities, while also ensuring the house stayed
clean and tidy.No matter what your personality,
be it loud and extravagant or shy and reserved,
you should be yourself at all times.
4Sydnie Ozanus Awards and Honors
Despite her young age, Sydnie Ozanus has already
established herself as a community-conscious
person who is dedicated to her education and
helping those around her. She has received a
number of honors, particularly in academia,
including the Career Prep Student of the Year and
English Student of the Month awards from Prosper
High School, in addition to the Heart of an Eagle
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