Title: ESE-2106 Mock Interview Conduct By EII
1ESE - 2016
- (Engineering Services Examination)
2Every year Union Public Service Commission
conducts ESE combined competitive exam for
recruiting aspirants for different departments of
Government of India such as Indian Railway
Service of Engineers (IRSE), Central Engineering
Service (CES), Military Engineering Services
(MES), etc.
3Eligibility for ESE Exam
Age Eligibility Aspirants need to be between
21 years to 30 years as on 1st January of the
exam year. Age relaxations exist as per the
government rules.
Academic Qualification Eligibility You must be
a graduate in Engineering from a recognized
university. Final year students can also appear
in IES exam.
4Selection Criteria
There is a combined entrance exam conduct by UPSC
followed by interview for the candidates
qualifying written examination
5How to Apply for ESE-2016?
Eligible candidates required to apply online they
can visit UPSC online portal to fill form before
the last form submission date
6Powered By
Engineers Institute of India
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011-26514888 0-9990657855