Title: MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.com
1MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
2CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Entire Course Midterm Final Exam FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com MGMT 530
Week 1 Case Analysis (Conference Decision) MGMT
530 Week 1 DQ 1 Defining the Problem MGMT 530
Week 1 DQ 2 Enabling Conditions MGMT 530 Week 2
Case Analysis (Conference Decision) MGMT 530 Week
2 DQ 1 Defining Objectives and Alternatives MGMT
530 Week 2 DQ 2 Intuition MGMT 530 Week 3 Case
Analysis Conference Decision Case, Part MGMT 530
Week 3 DQ 1 Understanding Consequences and
Tradeoffs MGMT 530 Week 3 DQ 2 Decision Making in
Your Organization
3CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
www.mgmt530rank.com This Tutorial doesnt
contain Midterm and Final Exam MGMT 530 Week 1
Case Analysis (Conference Decision) MGMT 530 Week
1 DQ 1 Defining the Problem MGMT 530 Week 1 DQ 2
Enabling Conditions MGMT 530 Week 2 Case Analysis
(Conference Decision) MGMT 530 Week 2 DQ 1
Defining Objectives and Alternatives MGMT 530
Week 2 DQ 2 Intuition MGMT 530 Week 3 Case
Analysis Conference Decision Case, Part
4CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
www.mgmt530rank.com TCOs A, B, C, D, E, F, G and
H) Tidewater Services recently celebrated its
10th anniversary as a professional services firm
that handles investigations for law firms
offering amenities, such as background checks,
surveillance, interviewing of witnesses, crash
scene investigation, and other related
services. The company was founded by Lee Herbert
who had extensive experience working for
companies that handle investigative work. Herbert
is more of a people person and is always looking
for the next new client to take on. Admittedly,
Herbert had no experience in running a business
when he decided to go out on his own and enlisted
the help of his long time friend, Bradley Simmons.
5CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 1 Case Analysis (Conference
www.mgmt530rank.com Week 1 Case Analysis
Conference Decision Case Date September 2, 2005
In less than two weeks, an accounting system
users conference is scheduled to be held in New
Orleans, Louisiana on September 1316, 2005.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Katrina has struck the
city leaving a wake of destruction. Based on what
you see on television, the hotel and the city
cannot possibly accommodate this or any
conference for the foreseeable future.
Approximately 200 attendees are scheduled to
attend, flying in from all over the country. All
attendees prepaid their registration fee for the
6CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 1 DQ 1 Defining the Problem FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com What is
the difference between problem solving and
decision making? What are the key aspects to
defining the problem for a decision situation?
Give an example of a decision problem that you
are currently dealing with.
7CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 1 DQ 2 Enabling Conditions FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com What role does
ability, willingness, insight, and commitment
play in the decision-making process? How can
constraints and other underlying elements
complicate the decision-making process? Relate
an experience from your work.
8CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 2 Case Analysis (Conference
www.mgmt530rank.com Week 2 Case Analysis
Conference Decision Case Date September 2, 2005
In less than two weeks, an accounting system
users conference is scheduled to be held in New
Orleans, Louisiana on September 1316, 2005.
Unfortunately, Hurricane Katrina has struck the
city leaving a wake of destruction. Based on what
you see on television, the hotel and the city
cannot possibly accommodate this or any
conference for the foreseeable future.
Approximately 200 attendees are scheduled to
attend, flying in from all over the country. All
attendees pre-paid their registration fee for the
9CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 2 DQ 1 Defining Objectives and
www.mgmt530rank.com Why is it important to
define clear objectives for the decision
situation? How can you ensure that you have
identified all the appropriate alternatives? Give
an example of a problem that you are in the
process of deciding or have decided on in the
pastidentify the objectives and alternatives.
We will be looking at two key decision-making
elements, which are objectives and alternatives.
The objectives will determine the criteria for
evaluating solutions to the defined problem. The
alternatives for a decision situation are the
options that need to be considered. Let us kick
off the week by answering the following
10CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 2 DQ 2 Intuition FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com What role does
intuition play in decision making? What role does
quantitative data play in decision making?
Identify a decision situation in which you used
both intuition and data for your analysis of the
situation. For the second discussion, we will
analyze the role that intuition plays in the
decision-making process. OK, I would like to
get this politically incorrect idea out of the
way from the start ... As you begin to
participate in this topic, please consider and
share your position on whether you believe
intuition is more of a female skill and data
analysis more of a male ski
11CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 3 Case Analysis Conference Decision
www.mgmt530rank.com Date September 15, 2005
Two weeks after New Orleans was devastated by
Hurricane Katrina, you made the decision to
postpone the conference and select a different
city to hold the conference. Based on your
initial objectives and a survey you took of the
registered attendees, you created the following
consequence table based on the information
available. ALTERNATIVES Cancel conference for
this yearschedule for next year Keep in New
Orleans, but schedule for a later date (when the
hotels re-open) Keep same dates, but move to
another city Move to another city and schedule
for a later date
12CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 3 DQ 1 Understanding Consequences
www.mgmt530rank.com Why can it be difficult to
identify consequences for each alternative and
objective? What techniques can be used to
simplify the process? Describe a decision
situation in which you made tradeoffs to simplify
the alternatives. Did you use the even-swap
method, weighted scoring model, or another
approach? Our objectives this week are to Build
a consequence table with accuracy and
completeness. Compare alternatives using a
consequence table. Evaluate alternatives by
examining tradeoffs. Evaluate alternatives by
using a weighted scoring model. Concepts covered
this week will help you as you develop
alternatives for your course project. Please
start by answering the main question.
13CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 3 DQ 2 Decision Making in Your
www.mgmt530rank.com What process does your
organization use to make decisions? Do you
clearly identify the problem, objectives,
alternatives, consequences, and tradeoffs? What
special techniques or tools do you use in your
process? In your organizations, what is the
general balance of quantitative and qualitative
information used to make decisions? Too much of
one or the other
14CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 4 DQ 1 Defining Uncertainties FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com How does
your organization assess uncertainties in your
decision-making process? What are the benefits to
using decision trees to assess uncertainties?
Provide an example where uncertainties played a
major role in a decision situation. In the
context of uncertainty, is there a difference
between 'possibility' and 'probability'?
15CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 4 DQ 2 Decision Making Styles FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com What is
your primary decision-making style? What is your
managers primary decision-making style? What
approaches and tricks have you learned to
persuade your manager?
16CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 4 Midterm Exam FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com 1. (TCO A) Your small
services company has grown rapidly during its
first two years and has outgrown the workspace
that you have leased for three years. As the
operations manager, you have been asked to lead a
decision-making team to select a location for the
growing company. Your desire is for the team to
make an effective decision. i. What criteria
should your decision-making approach have to
ensure that it is effective? ii. Describe the
eight elements for effective decision making used
in a rational decision-making approach. (Points
20) 2. TCO A) Understanding fundamental and means
objectives are important to decision analysis and
decision making. As your business has grown, you
are evaluating moving your company to a larger
office closer to several of your key customers
and are looking at several different alternatives.
17CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 5 Case Analysis Labadee
www.mgmt530rank.com In January 2010, the island
nation of Haiti was devastated by an earthquake.
Royal Caribbean International, a major cruise
line, owns a private beach in Haiti, which is
typically a port of call on several of their
Caribbean cruise itineraries. The private port,
known as Labadee, is about 80 miles away from
Port au Prince. The beach was unaffected by the
quake. In the days following the earthquake, the
company wrestled with several issues as they
determined whether to continue to stop in Labadee
or temporarily abandon the port of call.
18CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 5 DQ 1 Risk Tolerance FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com Describe your
risk profilerisk seeking, risk neutral, or risk
averse. What are the pitfalls of your risk
attitude? How can knowing your managers
desirability curve come in handy during the
decision-making process?
19CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 5 DQ 2 Sharing Risk with
www.mgmt530rank.com Describe a decision
situation in which you have shared risk with an
internal or external business partner. What were
the conditions of the shared risk? Explain why
the arrangement was successful or not. Is blame
a risk-mitigator or risk-enhancer?
20CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 6 DQ 1 Linked Decisions FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com Describe a
decision situation that involved linked
decisions. What flexible plans did you use for
the subsequent decision?
21CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 6 DQ 2 Course Project
www.mgmt530rank.com riefly describe your problem
and post a brief PowerPoint presentation that
summarizes your Course Project no later than
Tuesday. Give feedback to (at least) two other
students presentations for your remaining posts.
Be sure to post on a total of three different days
22CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 7 Course Project (US Foods) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com Objectives
The objective of the Course Project is to
provide you with practice in creating,
justifying, and explaining a decision-making
proposal. All elements involved in the creation
of this proposal, from problem definition through
action plan, must be covered. Further, the
proposal, as constructed, must meet the tests of
any sound business plan, namely that it has
specific and measurable goals and objectives,
clearly defined activities, stipulated time
frames during which those activities will take
place, and clearly defined measurable outcomes.
23CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 7 DQ 1 Psychological Traps FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com Provide a
real-life example of one of the traps discussed
in the text or the lecture. What can be done to
avoid that trap in the future? An interesting
human phenomenon is becoming trapped in one's own
imagination of self. It is, of course, very
important to manage one's reputation by comparing
and reconciling how others see you with how you
see yourself and want others to see you. Is there
a way to protect one's integrity and remain
consistent, yet also be flexible and adaptable to
change and growth?
24CJA 234 MART The power of possibility/cja234martd
MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c
MGMT 530 Week 7 DQ 2 Estate Case Analysis FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.mgmt530rank.com This
week, we move from the theoretical to the real
world. The following group decision problem
scenario is outside of the formal organizational
structure but highlights the difficulty in making
decisions in group settings and the need to
collectively arrive at a group decision-making
process. Estate Case Decision Problem Scenario
The matriarch of a family passes away after a
long illness, leaving a house that needs major
repair work, a few antiques, and a small
insurance policy.
25MGMT 530 RANK Success Is a Tradition/mgmt530rank.c