Title: Private Claim Adjuster
2There are so many common mistakes done by the
policyholder when they are trying to handle their
own claim like they often will document their
loss up to what they think of their policy
coverage is. You should fully find the loss as
you may have some benefits available under tax
code t if your losses exceed your coverage.
3A policyholder should careful about signing any
authorization or assignment forms pressured on
you after the loss by a contractor. You should
take the proper time to read and understand the
forms that send out by your insurance company and
get agreements in writing on the front end. You
should have so much coverage in your policy and
any money spent will reduce the limit that is
available for your loss.
4. A public adjuster will help you on all issues
related to protecting an interest in salvage
rights. See what one insurance law firm says when
to choose a claim professional. Please visit
www.mercuryadjustments.com to see examples of how
they have settled property insurance claim for
others like you.
PENNSYLVANIA, 19555 Phone. 484-578-4420 Email Id
office_at_mercuryadjustments.com Website