Title: How Does Handwriting Help Us Today?
2Handwriting has been a centuries old practice.
A fine art, too. A way the ONLY way, perhaps,
once upon a time of recording matter, emotions,
thoughts and also important, legal documents. A
persons handwritten signature was taken as one
of the most important declarations of
fact/s. The Signature still remains just as
3There are parents who want their children to
WRITE and not TYPE neatly and clearly. There
are fans who seek AUTOGRAPHS from their
idols. There are people, young and old, who
value hand-written notes and letters immensely.
4- Writing can help us to Remember things Better.
- Some experts believe that writing something by
hand helps us to remember it much better, since
we have to concentrate more on it by -
- Seeing as we are writing
- Reading as we are writing
- Thinking as we are writing.
5Writing can help us to Store matter
Safer. Handwritten matter or documents can be
stored almost anywhere and can be accessed
without the aid of electricity, batteries or any
password. Handwritten matter does not get
deleted at the click of a button,
either. Writing is in your hand and not
dependent on Technology.
6Writing can make Hearts feel Lighter. It has
been an old, tried and tested practise to WRITE
worries and sorrows down to feel their pressure
off the heart. This practise is known to be quite
an effective one, too.
7Writing can nurture Creativity. Many authors
still prefer to WRITE their works down. They feel
this helps their Creativity to flow better. Some
poets still prefer to PEN their
feelings. Writers continue to be called
Writers in this age of Typing and
Texting. Handwriting is just as helpful today
as it was yesterday and is likely to remain
just as important and helpful tomorrow.
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