Title: Mxgraphics Completing the Perfect Look for your Bike
1Mxgraphics - Completing the Perfect Look For Your
2Are you thinking about giving your bike the
perfect look? If yes, then you must have thought
of some options. For example, it is very likely
you may have considered some fanciful drawing on
your bike using the paint. But some experts say
that paint is not always a good option. Instead,
they say it is better to choose the decals. A
bike covered in stunning decals stand apart from
the rest. Also, in some way it increases your
confidence. That is why it is a great idea to
cover your bike with some graphics.
3Preparing your bike is important
Even if you have chosen the highest quality
graphic for your bike, it will not look perfect
unless you have prepared the surface of the bike.
Plastic is the most prominent surface material
over the entire area of the bike. This is why you
need to first prepare the plastic to get the best
results. For example, before applying the
top-grade Mxgraphics by MxProDecals make the
surface of the plastic suitable for it. Look for
any scratches on the plastic. If the scratches
are minor they will not make any difference. You
can simply polish the area first. However, if the
damage is significant you may need to change the
plastic before applying the graphic.
4Removing the old decal
If your bike is brand new you can get started
with the Mxgraphics by MxProDecals immediately.
However, if you already have old decals then you
will first need to get rid of them. Thankfully,
removing the previous graphic is not that
difficult. You can do that easily with the help
of the hair dryer. If there is some residue still
remaining after removing the decal, you can use a
strong cleaner but to remove it. But make sure
that the cleaner is made for the bike material
and does not damage it. Once everything is
removed, clean the surface area using water and
soap. Rinse it thoroughly and allow it to dry.
5Placing the images for that perfect look
First things first! If you are applying the decal
for the first time to your bike, make sure that
you read the instructions carefully. If the kit
did not come with any instructions, find them on
the internet. It is easy to apply the graphic but
you have to make sure that nothing goes wrong.
Before starting to apply the images, you will
first need to warm the plastic up. You can do
that with the heat gun. This is especially
helpful when you are placing the complicated
decals. It will allow you to peel out only a
small part of the sticker. This will also help
you line the image correctly. Do not be in a rush
while applying the sticker. Peel it off slowly,
bit by bit. Make sure that you also remove the
air bubbles while applying the sticker. So,
here are you are with a bike that looks perfect.
The custom made graphics for your bike give it
your personal signature. It is something that you
are bound to fall in love with.
6 MXProDecals 684-2010 zapote, san jose Costa
Rica 50683468103 info_at_mxprodecals.com http//
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