Title: How to Drive Out Rodents This Season
1Welcome to Economic Pest
How to Drive Out Rodents This Season
Dispose of Food Carefully Get Rid of Leftover
Pet Chow Keep Entry Points Secured Get Rid of
The Compost Pile - or Raise It Up
2Dispose of Food Carefully
Dont make it easy for rats and mice - keep the
food sources on lockdown by disposing of waste
properly. Make sure the bin you use is secure
and cant be infiltrated by mice or rats
3Get Rid of Leftover Pet Chow
Rats and mice arent fussy - theyll eat your
pets food. Keep it on lockdown just like your
rubbish! Bird food isnt safe here either - if
its edible, theyll eat it so keep it safe.
4Keep Entry Points Secured
Dont make it easy for rats and mice to get into
your house. Plug up holes and keep crevices
blocked with an expanding foam.
5Get Rid of The Compost Pile - or Raise It Up
Rats and mice LOVE a good compost. Keep it above
their reach with a raised container. If the
problem persists you might have to get rid of it
6Contact Us
Dont let rats and mice become a problem for you
- get rid of them early with the leaders at
Economic Pest Control today on 1300 655 774.