Title: Holistic Institutes & Training Market
1Holistic Institutes Training Market
2 Summary
Simply the most comprehensive business analysis
that exists of the 777 million U.S. market for
holistic institutes and personal development
training organizations. This Marketdata study
examines a little-researched sub-segment of the
broader 9 billion self-improvement
market. There are only 16 Holistic Institutes in
the United States. They are non-profits that
offer an interesting variety of seminars,
workshops and retreats covering a wide variety of
spiritual, personal development and financial
topics. Many of the top motivational speakers,
book authors and gurus have affiliations with
these institutes and make appearances there.
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27810773, E poonam_at_bharatbook.com
3The other, larger, and more rapidly growing
segment of this market consists of training
organizations that serve mostly corporate clients
but also individuals. These are companies such as
Dale Carnegie, Franklin-Covey and Toastmasters.
These organizations, mostly for-profits, aim to
sharpen ones skills in sales, time management,
leadership, customer service, and public
speaking. Hay House is a publishing/seminar
company that falls somewhere in between, with a
strong spiritual bent. This study analyzes the
markets size/growth (2007-2020 forecast),
market structure, major trends and developments
to 2016, the shift to Internet delivery of
content, customer demographics.
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27810773, E poonam_at_bharatbook.com
4In-depth company profiles for Dale Carnegie,
Franklin-Covey, Sandler Training, Toastmasters,
Gaiam, Hay House, the Omega Institute, Esalen
Institute, New York Open Center, Oasis Center,
Naropa, Option Institute, Kripalu Center, The
Learning Annex, and Wainwright House. Includes An
overview and summary of the total
self-improvement market, with values of all
market segments, major market trends, opinions of
industry experts and consultants.
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27810773, E poonam_at_bharatbook.com
5 Table of Contents
Overview of the Total Self-improvement Market The
explosion of SI content via Internet
entrepreneurs Holistic Institutes Training
Organizations Holistic Institutes Training
Organizations Reference Directory of
self-improvement information sources
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27810773, E poonam_at_bharatbook.com
6To view the full Executive Summary and Table of
Contents, please visit Holistic Institutes
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