Title: Baby food in India
1Baby Food in India
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Market Research Report
2Report Overview
- The number of births in India rose very gradually
up to 2013, but has since begun to decline
slightly. Living standards are significantly
higher in urban areas and this is where the bulk
of industrially produced baby foods are sold.
However, there is a rising middle class even in
smaller towns and rural areas, and manufacturers
are targeting these to widen the consumer base.
Sales grew rapidly up to 2009, but slowed
considerably in 2010, with slight declines in
some sectors, and growth has remained subdued
since. Per capita intake levels rose by 13 in
2015. Milks dominate the market and have
outperformed cereals in volume terms. The baby
cereals sector remains overshadowed by the milks
sector in value terms, accounting for just 32.8
of market value in 2015, and 27.7 of volume. - http//www.researchbeam.com/baby-food-in-india-mar
3Key Findings
- In value terms, baby milk sales in India advanced
strongly, by 93.7 in nominal growth terms over
the 2009-2015 period. The baby cereals sector
achieved even more dynamic growth of 108. - The majority of sales are accounted for by milks,
which took a 72 volume share, with baby cereals
holding the remaining 28. - Two companies, GCMMF and Nestlé India, control
the bulk of baby food sales in the Indian market,
with GCMMF accounting for 46 of volume in 2015,
while Nestlé held a 42.2 share. - The most important outlet for baby food is
pharmacies, and some suppliers only sell their
baby food brands in this channel. Although many
pharmacies are local independent stores,
organized retailing has grown rapidly in recent
- Baby Food in India is an analytical report by
Canadean which provides extensive and highly
detailed current and future market trends in the
India market. - What else does this report offer?
- Consumption data based upon a unique combination
of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing
work and our in-house expertise to offer
extensive data about the trends and dynamics
affecting the industry. - Detailed profile of the companies operating and
new companies considering entry in the industry
along with their key focus product sectors. - Market profile of the various product sectors
with the key features and developments,
segmentation, per capita trends and the various
manufacturers and brands. - Overview of baby food retailing with a mention of
the major retailers in the country along with the
distribution channel. - Future projections considering various trends
which are likely to affect the industry.
5Reasons To Buy
- Evaluate important changes in consumer behavior
and identify profitable markets and areas for
product innovation. - Analyze current and forecast behavior trends in
each category to identify the best opportunities
to exploit. - Detailed understanding of consumption by
individual product categories in order to align
your sales and marketing efforts with the latest
trends in the market. - Investigates which categories are performing the
best and how this is changing market dynamics.
6Table Of Contents
- IntroductionExecutive summaryDefinitionsBackgr
ound to the MarketBirthsThe ConsumerSocio-Demog
raphic TrendsWorking WomenBreastfeeding
TrendsRegulationsMarket OverviewKey features
and developmentsMarket value and
volumeManufacturers sharesThe futureSector
AnalysisBaby milksBaby cerealsOther Baby
FoodProduction and tradeProductionImportsExpo
Company profilesIntroductionGujarat Cooperative
Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) Nestlé India
LtdNutricia International Pvt Ltd Raptakos
Brett and Co Ltd Other Manufacturers Distribution
Retail structureBaby food Retailing Economic
backgroundEconomic BackgroundKey macro-economic
forecasts Prospects and forecastsBirth and
population projectionsForecast overviewFuture
AppendixAdditional data tablesSummary
methodologyAbout Canadean
7Find More details
- http//www.researchbeam.com/baby-food-in-india-mar
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