Title: The Difference between HTML, XHTML & HTML5 for Beginners
1The Difference between HTML, XHTML HTML5 for
2For those who are just entering the world of
development, these commonly used words can be
confusing. It is true they all sound the same but
the fact is they are for difference reasons. They
are a different technology with different
capabilities. All these three languages are
markup languages created for the web and web
development best practices. Let have a
comprehension of their difference in the world of
3To clear your confusion, let me explain each in
brief and then you can choose to develop your
understanding for the use of each of them.
4What are Markup Languages?
These markup languages are designed specifically
to work for web development. Today, it is a
foundation of the web and everything you see is
the combination of markup text, CSS and front end
scripts (interactivity) are based on mark up
languages. It is what creates the final web
presence. It sets the architecture of the website
and gives it structure. These mark up languages
structures data. Unlike other languages like
Python or PHP or Ruby that guide the behavior of
the data and the databases.
5The diagram give below represents the trends for
HTML and XHTML DOCTYPEs for websites
6- The HTML 5 DOCTYPE is now the most commonly used,
being used by over 70 of pages. - XHTML 1.0 has dropped from 60 of pages in 2008,
to fewer than 15 of web pages in the recent
times. - HTML 4.01 has dropped from 20 of pages in 2008,
to fewer than 3 pages. - The total sample size is over 15 million pages
with around 250,000 new pages scanned per month.
7So what is a DOCTYPE?
The full form is Document Type Declaration, or
DOCTYPE. It is piece of HTML code that tells
which version of HTML is being used. For
Instance lt!DOCTYPE htmlgt lt!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENgt Information Source
8What is HTML?
Known as the Hyper Text Markup Language is
abbreviated to HTML. The world knows the
importance of HTML. We cannot really imagine the
web without HTML technology. All the static
websites are based on HTML markup language. It is
in fact the first internet based developed for
website development. It can be viewed on the
browser via HTML where it is central to the web
development processes and has evolved along with
it. It is designed for a Static Structure.
9An HTML tag commands the browser to make the
changes in the front end like the text features
bold, italic or size. As a developer, if you know
HTML markup language, you can easily create
headlines, arrange text, add hyperlinks and also
edit. In case of dynamic website, JavaScript is
generally used along with HTML to include
interactivity, server side scripts. It leads to
building a very effective Front End development.
10Among the Popular Websites using HTML
- Google
- Youtube
- Facebook
- Baidu
- Yahoo
- Amazon
- Wikipedia
- Google India
- Qq
- Twitter
11What is XHTML?
The full form of XTML - eXtensible Hypertext
Markup Language. It is very similar to HTML4 i.e.
the fourth version of HTML technology. It has
elements of XML that extends capabilities of HTML
technology. XHTML is written in XML application
which is also a descriptive markup language that
functions more or less like HTML but handles data
organization well.
12XHTML was created before HTML5 in order to solve
the cross- browser compatibility issues. But
since the introduction of HTML5, these issues are
resolved. Although XHTML was providing more
precise standards and specification for a website
to understand data and then break it down for
transmission. It can be a little trouble in
debugging. Since HTML4 is in use, the use of
XHTML is become obsolete. So you need to worry
about this part of the technology. Much confusion
should be clear now.
13What is HTML5?
It is the latest and path breaking version of
HTML technology. HTML5 is a indeed proving the
best technology for developing UI and Front End
Development. It has come with a bang bringing new
features like HTML repertoire where it can do
many things on its own. HTML5 is being well known
as the hybrid of three types of coding
technologies namely HTML, CSS and Javascript.
14It is culmination of these three much needed
technologies for UI development and HTML5 is
offering this to improve the development process
for web development experts. It is availing Front
End Development Specialists with agile, mobile
friendly and browser compatible website
development features.
15Also, it has incorporated new APIs and features
like drawing, video playback, drag and drop
effects which were earlier possible only with
integration of third party plugins. Today, HTML5
is used by 80.3 of all the websites who use HTML.
Originally posted by http//goo.gl/8Jgc0B
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