Title: How to speed up wordpress site
1Easy Ways to Speed up WordPress making it
blazing fast !!
Wordpress is a great platform for blogging and
creating stunning websites. But one main problem
everyone suffer while using wordpress is slow
speed of wordpress.
2How to make your wordPress website superfast??
- Best fastest wordPress site hosting
- Theme
- Plugin
- Content Delivery Network (CDN)
- Optimize images With SmushIT
- Speed up WordPress database
- Expires header to static resources
- Add LazyLoad to your Images
- Control the amount of post revisions stored
- Use CloudFlare
- Most of the people make a mistake while starting
a blog is to choose Shared Hosting because its
cheap and managed and you dont have to worry
about the server management and any technical
knowledge to start website. This is the mother of
every problem related to slowness of wordpress.
-- BlueHost -- GoDaddy -- JustHost -- WP
Engine -- HostGator -- iWebster
4Choose Best THEME
5Optimize Your WordPress Plugin
6Content Delivery Network (CDN)
Serving your static resources of website from CDN
can help you speed up wordpress and reducing load
of your website server. The CDN networks has
their POP EDGE locations throughout the world and
servers the static resources form the near by
location which helps in delivering static
resources at much faster speed.
7Optimize Images With SmushIT (automatically)
Yahoo! has an image optimizer called Smush.it
that will drastically reduce the file size of an
image, while not reducing quality. This plugin is
free and easy to use and works like a charm.
Optimize your WordPress database to speed up
wordpress WordPress stores everything including
revisions, drafts, orphan data in the database
and this makes the database heavy.
8-- Disable Hot linking and leeching of your
content to restrict other websites to use your
-- Add LazyLoad to your Images to speed up
-- Control the amount of post revisions stored
-- Use CloudFlare to Speed up WordPress
Read more How To Make Your WordPress Website
Superfast ??
9If you need one to one session with the author to
speed up your wordpress site, you can contact
author at sandeep_at_pagalparrot.com
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