Title: Farhan Khan Encourages Young Players To Play Basketball
1Farhan Khan Encourages Young Players To Play
2Farhan Khan is a sport fanatic who likes to play
who likes to play different kind of sports. He
plays football, racquetball, basketball, baseball
and many more to keep him fit and healthy, to
rejuvenate mind and body.
3At a very early age, he started playing
basketball with his father and gradually he
developed a great interest in his game. By the
age of 16, he excelled this sport and started
representing his school.
4He showcased his talent and hes been recognized
by basketball coaches, scouts and recruiters.
Farhan Khan is an all-rounder player who brought
grace, agility, and versatility to the center
5He has the ability to shoot it well, rebound well
for his size and defend decently. Now, he even
identifies strong players who have the ambition,
skill and drive to play college basketball.
6He asks young players to work hard in school,
stick to the basics, and strive to improve
everyday on and off the court/field. Farhan Khan
encourages young players to play basketball on a
routine basis and learn the techniques.
7He has found inventive ways to get them out of
the house and engaging them in sporting
activities. He is also a part time blogger where
he shares various tips and strategies on how to
improve basketball game.
8Farhan Khan also posts post videos of different
techniques and shots, so that the amateurs could
learn some techniques from him. He has many fans
who express their admiration for what he had
accomplished at such a young age.
9Thank You!