Title: Precle SEO
1Sponsored articles - Exclusive Pretzels SEO
- www.pozycjonowanie.kursyonline.eu/precle-pozycjonu
2If the track-to-date trends in positioning you
know that with each passing day it becomes more
and more difficult. To meet the people
responsible for the positioning of phrases with
the highest difficulty present an offer premium
of sponsored articles.
3- Pretzels old SEO, which helped position the
hundreds of our customers have developed to suit
the latest requirements of the Google search
engine - in this way, a mechanism for content
marketing a new generation.
4Sponsored articles are
- ability to place photos / graphics and links in
content - Dedicated articles about your company / product
written by a professional copywriter - the highest quality of products SEO
- advertising in Polish thematic websites
5The basic package should be one of the first
services to be redeemed for a new domain. It
makes it possible in the first days of life the
new service accentuate its reliability and high
6- Professional package is dedicated to professional
pozycjonerom, positioning the most difficult
phrases. For them sponsored articles is one of
the services regularly redeemed within the
strategy of positioning.
7If you position phrases of medium difficulty that
we recommend you purchase a professional package
at the start and then every 6 month. support the
process of positioning basic package.
8precle SEOhttp//www.pozycjonowanie.kursyonline.e