Title: Tips on Proper Pool Maintenance
1Proper Pool Maintenance
2Even though weekly pool maintenance shouldnt be
such a daunting task, every homeowner needs some
knowledge on what needs to be done at any one
time. Many homeowners pay for residential pool
maintenance so that someone professional can take
good care of their investment so they can
continue to enjoy family fun-time. Having some
knowledge of what the pool maintenance technician
does when they come visiting will help to
increase the lifespan of the pool and at the end
of the day it will save you some good amount of
money as well.
3One great mistake that is done by those who try
do-it-yourself pool cleaning is the failure to
clean the skimmer basket or the hair and lint pot
on a regular basis. When you let these gadgets
get filled with debris the result is poor
circulation which will lead to larger problems
with other related equipment.    Â
4Proper weekly pool maintenance demands that you
always make sure the pool walls are clean. When
the surfaces are not kept clean they promote the
growth and buildup of algae a professional pool
maintenance technician should be able to help you
out. Your swimming pools chemistry should be
checked at least twice during the busy period
such as summer and perhaps once in winter.
5Your pool chemical supplier will be able check
and fine tune the chemical balance as you go
along. When this part of pool maintenance is left
unchecked for too long, you will eventually end
up requiring larger doses of chemicals to fix the
problem and waiting for a longer time away from
the pool to allow things to settle.  Â
6There are swimming pool owners who forget to
ensure that cells in the salt water system are
cleaned on a regular basis when the cells are
allowed to become calcified or corroded they
dont produce the required amount of chlorine
you need to use a salt chlorinator water
conditioner to keep them clear. Some people also
make the mistake of adding pool chemicals during
the heat of the day the best time for adding
chemicals is during the night when they cannot be
dissipated by the sun. You should also avoid
backwashing the DE filter or the sand too often
besides wasting water, the filter is never
allowed to work optimally.    Â
7Swimming pool owners who fail to do pool pump
service allow the pump cause the pump to
eventually perform below the required standards.
Correct water circulation is an important part of
effective pool maintenance your pool should run
for at least one hour for every 10 degrees of
temperature. Last but not east, you should never
allow the water levels to drop too low
8This could cause the pool pump to draw in air
instead of water and cause a serious breakdown
that will easily allow an explosion of algae
growth. Water levels need to be monitored by a
professional weekly pool maintenance technician
once every month and any adjustments made without
delay always remember to shock the pool after
heavy use.  Â
9Pool Equipment Installation Pool Chemical
Supplier Metropolitan Pools 3427 Brookpark Rd,
Cleveland, OH 44134 (216) 741-9451