Title: PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds/pad540guides.com
1PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds/pad540guides.com
2PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds
PAD 540 Assignment 1 Event Analysis (9 11)(Str
Course) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad540guides.co
m Select a wellknown international political
event that has impacted the United States foreign
policy. For example, the 9/11 attacks on the
U.S., Iraq, China, or Japan that would be good
events for this and the following assignments.
3PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds
PAD 540 Assignment 3 The Economy, Global Finance,
and Inequality (9 11)(Str Course) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.pad540guides.com Assignment 3
The Economy, Global Finance, and Inequality Using
the same event as in Assignment 1, revise and
submit Assignments 1 and 2. Write a 46 page
paper in which you
4PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds
PAD 540 Assignment 4 PowerPoint Presentation (9
11)(Str Course) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.pad540guides.com Assignment 4
PowerPoint Presentation Using the same event in
Assignment 1, create a 68 slide PowerPoint
presentation in which you 1.Provide a brief
description of your chosen event.
5PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds
PAD 540 Entire Course (Str Course) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.pad540guides.com PAD 540
Assignment 1 Event Analysis (9/11) PAD 540 Week 2
Assignment (9/11) PAD 540 Assignment 3 The
Economy, Global Finance, and Inequality (9/11)
6PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds
PAD 540 Week 2 Assignment (9 11)(Str Course) FOR
MORE CLASSES VISIT www.pad540guides.com PAD 540
Week 2 Assignment
7PAD 540 GUIDES Inspiring Minds