Title: High Quality TIBCO BW Training in Hyderabad
1TIBCO BW Implementation
2TIBCO BW Implementation
- TIBCO ActiveMatrix (AMX) BusinessWorks (BW) is an
enterprise platform from TIBCO for implementing
integration solutions. - Caching implementation using TIBCO BusinessWorks
5.x - Solution Description
- Develop a simple JAVA class to implement
HashTable and package the same into a JAR
file. - Import the same into TIBCO BW by using
AliasLibrary resource. Use JavaGlobalInstance
to create and share the object of the above class
in JVM. - Add a JAVAMethod activity which makes use of
the above created object to store and retrieve
the data from HashTable.
3TIBCO BW Implementation
JAVA Class Implementation Bellow is the screen
shot of the JAVA class which can define a simple
HashTable (Employee HashTable, can store
EmpID and EmpName as name value pair) and
also provides the methods to store the data into
HashTable and to retrieve the data from
HashTable. public ImplHashTable () This is
the constructor of the class. It is going to
initialize the HashTable with some dummy
data. public void setemp(String empname,
Integer empid) This public method can accept
array of EmpIDs and EmpNames and stores the
same information as name value pairs in
HashTable. public String getemp(Integer n)
This public method can accept an integer value
(EmpID) and returns the EmpName of the ID
4TIBCO BW Implementation
TIBCO BW Implementation JavaGlobalInstance
This shared configuration resource is used to
create object of a JAVA class and it also shares
across all process instances in a Java Virtual
Machine (JVM). In this project this activity is
used to create an object of the class jgitest
and all the processes in the project can access
the same object. AliasLibrary The AliasLibrary
resource allows you to specify aliases to file
system resources (such as a .jar file) that need
to be included in your project. In this project
this activity is used to import the JAR file
which includes the class jgitest. Java
Method This activity allows you to invoke a
method contained in a Java class. In this project
this activity is used to store the employee data
into HashTable by executing the method setemp()
and also used to retrieve the employee name by
executing the method getemp().
5TIBCO BW Implementation
Process Definations Set Employee HashTable
This process is going to start upon
modification of a file which contains the data of
employees (ID and Name). It parses the data
against a schema using ParseXML and stores the
same data into the HashTable (emp) by executing
the method setemp() (From the JAVA Method
activity LoadData).
6TIBCO BW Implementation
Get Employee This process is used to
pass a integer value (EmpID) to the method
getemp() and retrieve the corresponding employee
7TIBCO BW Implementation
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