Title: High Alumina Refractory
1?High Alumina Refractory
2?High Alumina Refractory
A refractory material is one that holds its
quality at high temperatures. ASTM C71
characterizes refractories as "non-metallic
materials having those synthetic and physical
properties that make them pertinent for
structures or as segments of frameworks, which
are presented to situations above 1,000 F (811
K 538 C)". Hard-headed materials are utilized
as a part of linings for heaters, furnaces,
incinerators and reactors.
3?High Alumina Refractory
The oxides of aluminum (alumina), silicon
(silica) and magnesium (magnesia) are the most
critical materials utilized as a part of the
assembling of refractories. Another oxide
generally found in refractories is the oxide of
calcium (lime). Fire muds are additionally
broadly utilized as a part of the assembling of
4?High Alumina Refractory
5?High Alumina Refractory
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