Title: Any Google Business Review.
1I will give you business feedback for 5
2A Look At Some Of The Best Rating Review
Plugins For Business.
3Reviews affect a lot of the decisions we make in
our everyday lives. For example, when youre
thinking of going to the movies, what do you
often check first? The reviews, right? Want to
try a new restaurant? buy a new book? attend a
yoga class? Chances are that youll look up
reviews and ratings on all those things before
you make your decision.
4I could keep going on with examples, but I think
you get the point Reviews and ratings can sway
the masses its just how things work. But with
something as powerful as these reviews, the real
question is, can you benefit from displaying
reviews and ratings on your own Business?
5The Benefits Of Displaying Ratings and Reviews On
Your Business.
6Small Business Owners
- With big sites like Google Plus taking
the lead in promoting reviews, many small
business owners have seen the upsides to having
great reviews written about their business. But
what about displaying reviews on your actual
No matter what sort of business you run
online or otherwise displaying reviews and
ratings on your site can be a nice touch with
many added benefits.
7Rating and Review Business Feedback.
- Below you will find a list of rating and review
plugins, and all the plugins listed are ones that
have been updated in the past two years. Each
plugin has slightly different features and
functions, however, we felt that by giving you a
large variety that you could find exactly what
youre looking for.
8Google Business Places Reviews
9Business Feedback Plugin
10contact us
11Thanks for Watching.