Title: Maths Quizzes
1Maths Quiz 1 Finding Wrong Step in the Proof of
2 1 What is wrong with this proof of 2
1? If a b? a2 ab? a2 - b2 ab - b2? ( a
b) (a - b) b(a - b)? a b b? b b b?
2b b? 2 1
2Maths Quiz 2 Finding the Biggest Number Can you
name the biggest number that can be written with
four 1s?
Maths Quiz 3 Finding the Smallest Integer Can
you name the smallest integer that can be written
with two digits?
3Maths Quiz 4 Count the Triangles How many
triangles are there in the given figure?
4Maths Quiz 5 Count the Rectangles How many
rectangles are there in the given figure?
Maths Quiz 1 Finding Wrong Step in the Proof of
2 1Ans Since a b, a - b 0, Hence,
division by zero is not possible in the 4th step.
Maths Quiz 2 Finding the Biggest Number Ans
1111 285311670611
Maths Quiz 3 Finding the Smallest Integer Ans
1/1, 2/2, 3/3,..9/9
Maths Quiz 4 Count the Triangles Ans There are
47 different triangles.
Maths Quiz 4 Count the Rectangles Ans There are
12 rectangles.
7Thank You
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