Title: ACC 290 To exceed, you must read/Uophelpdotcom
1ACC 290 To eaxceed, you must read/Uophelpdotcom
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2ACC 290 Entire Course
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- ACC 290 Week 1 Discussion Question 1ACC 290 Week
1 Discussion Question 2ACC 290 Week 1 Individual
Assignment Financial Statements PaperACC 290
Week 2 Discussion Question 1ACC 290 Week 2
Discussion Question 2ACC 290 Week 2 Individual
WileyPLUS Week Two -Exercise E3-4 ,E3-9 Problem
3-5A, 3-6AACC 290 Week 2 LT Reflection
SummaryACC 290 Week 3 Discussion Question 1ACC
290 Week 3 Discussion Question 2ACC 290 Week 3 -
Individual WileyPLUS Assignment ACC 290 Week
Three - Exercise BE4-1, Problem P4-2A and
P4-3AACC 290 Week 3 LT Reflection SummaryACC
290 Week 4 Discussion QuestionACC 290 Week 4
Discussion QuestionACC 290 Week 4 Individual
WileyPLUS Assignment ACC 290 Week Four - Problem
4-8AACC 290 Week 4 Learning Team Financial
Reporting Problem, Part 1ACC 290 Week 4 LT
Reflection Summary
3ACC 290 Final Exam Guide (New)
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- ACC 290 Finals
- Question 1
- Jackson Company recorded the following cash
transactions for the year -
- Paid 135,000 for salaries.
- Paid 60,000 to purchase office equipment.
- Paid 15,000 for utilities.
- Paid 6,000 in dividends.
- Collected 245,000 from customers.
4ACC 290 Final Exam Guide
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- www.uophelp.com
- we have another New set of Final Exam which could
be found on this link -
- http//www.uophelp.com/ACC-290-New/product-14755-A
CC-290-Final-Exam-Guide-(New) -
- Which financial statement is used to determine
cash generated from operations? -
- 2) In terms of sequence, in what order must the
four basic financial statements be prepared? -
- 3) In classifying transactions, which of the
following is true in regard to assets?
5ACC 290 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
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- ACC 290 Week One - DQ 1
- What are the four basic financial statements?
What is the primary purpose of each of the four
basic financial statements? In your opinion,
which financial statement is the most important?
Explain why. How would the financial statements
be useful to managers and employees? How would
the financial statements be useful to investors
and creditors? -
6ACC 290 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
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- www.uophelp.com
- What are debits and credits? How are debits and
credits used to record business transactions? Why
do accountants debit asset accounts to increase
them but credit liability accounts to increase
them? Why do accountants debit expenses to
increase them but credit revenues to increase
them? -
7ACC 290 Week 1 Individual Assignment Financial
Statements Paper
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- Individual - Financial Statements Paper -
Prepare a 700 -1,050 word paper in which you
identify the four basic financial statements.
Describe the purpose of each of the four
financial statements. Discuss how the financial
statements would be useful to internal users,
such as to managers and employees. Discuss how
the financial statements would be useful to
external users, such as investors and creditors.
Format paper according to APA standards.
8ACC 290 Week 1 Practice Quiz(New)
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- Question 1
- Current assets are expected to be
converted to cash or consumed within the next
year or the normal operating cycle, whichever is
longer. -
- Current assets are economic resources that are
expected to be converted to cash or used up by
the business within one year or the normal
operating cycle, whichever is shorter. -
- Question 2
- Land or a building which is
currently not used in operation is considered to
be a long-term investment. -
- A company purchased a tract of land on which it
expects to build a production plant on in
approximately five years. During the five years
before construction, the land will be idle. In
what classification should the land be reported? -
- Question 3
- Common stock and retained earnings
are both elements of stockholders equity. Common
stock of 50,000 plus retained earnings of
70,000 equals 120,000 in stockholders equity.
- Current liabilities are 10,000, long-term
liabilities are 20,000, common stock is 50,000,
and retained earnings totals 70,000. How much is
total stockholders' equity?
9ACC 290 Week 1 Vocabulary Activity (New)
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- WileyPLUS Assignment Week 1 Vocabulary Activity
- Resource WileyPLUS
- Complete the following Week 1 Assignment in
WileyPLUS - Chapter 1 WileyPLUS Crossword Puzzle 1
10ACC 290 Week 1 WileyPlus Assignment DI1-3,
E1-3,E1-4, E2-4, IFRS2-4 (New)
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- WileyPLUS Assignment Week 1 Assignment
- Resource WileyPLUS
- Complete the following Week 1 Assignment in
WileyPLUS - DO IT! 1-3
- Exercise 1-3
- Exercise 1-4
- Exercise Excel E 2-4
- IFRS 2-4
11ACC 290 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
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- What is the revenue recognition principle? What
is the expense recognition principle? Why are
they important to financial reporting? - What are adjusting entries and why are they
necessary? - What are accruals? Provide examples of accruals.
Why do accruals require adjusting entries? - What are deferrals? What are some examples of
deferrals? Why do deferrals require adjusting
entries? -
12ACC 290 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- What accounts are subject to adjusting journal
entries and why? - How would you explain the purpose of the adjusted
trial balance? -
13ACC 290 Week 2 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- we have another New set of week 2 Willeyplus
assignment which could be found on this link - http//www.uophelp.com/acc-290/product-14750-ACC-2
8-BYP-32-IFRS-32-P35-P36-(New) -
- WileyPLUS and Financial Accounting.
- Complete the following in WileyPLUS Exercise
E3-4, Exercise E3-9, Problem 3-5A, Problem
3-6A -
14ACC 290 Week 2 LT Reflection Summary
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- www.uophelp.com
- Discuss the objectives for ACC 290 Week One. How
do they relate to the practice of accounting and
its uses in business? Identify the four basic
financial statements. Classify transactions
using the rules of debit and credit. Journalize
basic transactions. Discuss how financial
statements would be useful to external users such
as investors and creditors. Write a 350 to 500
word summary of your Learning Teams discussion. -
15ACC 290 Week 2 Practice Quiz (New)
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- Question 1
- Expenses decrease retained earnings.
- Question 2
- During 2014, Gibson Company assets decreased
50,000 and its liabilities decreased 90,000.
Its stockholders equity - Question 3
- Payment of a dividend
- Question 4
- An account is a part of the financial information
system and is described by all except which one
of the following? - Question 5
- Which accounts normally have debit balances?
- Question 6
- Which of the following is the correct sequence of
events? - Question 7
- Where is the first place every transaction is
16ACC 290 Week 2 Vocabulary Activity (New)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- WileyPLUS Assignment Week 2 Vocabulary Activity
- Resource WileyPLUS
- Complete the following Week 2 Assignment in
WileyPLUS -
- Chapter 2 Wiley PLUS Crossword
17ACC 290 Week 2 WileyPlus Assignment BYP2-2,
IFRS2-6, E3-4, E3-8, BYP 3-2, IFRS 3-2, P3-5,
P3-6 (New)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- WileyPLUS Assignment Week 2 Assignment
- Resource WileyPLUS
- Complete the following Week 2 Assignment in
WileyPLUS -
- BYP 2-2
- IFRS 2-6
- Exercise 3-4
- Exercise 3-8
- Exercise 3-10
18ACC 290 Week 3 - Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
ACC 290 Week Three - Exercise BE4-1, Problem
P4-2A and P4-3A
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- we have another New set of week 3 Willeyplus
assignment which could be found on this link - http//www.uophelp.com/ACC-290-New/product-14751-A
-BYP4--(New) -
- Complete the following in WileyPLUS Brief
Exercise BE4-1, Problem P4-2A, and Problem P4-3A -
19ACC 290 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
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- What are the steps in completing the accounting
cycle? How do the different steps affect the
financial statements? What is the effect on the
financial statements of missing a step when
completing the accounting cycle? What are the
four closing journal entries? Why are they
necessary? What are reversing entries? Why are
they used? What are the pros and cons of using
reversing entries? Why are reversing entries
optional? -
20ACC 290 Week 3 Discussion Question 2
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- What are the pros and cons of using reversing
entries? Why are reversing entries optional? What
is the main purpose of a financial statement
worksheet and its benefits? How has automation
aided the preparation, accuracy, and use of the
financial statement worksheet? -
21ACC 290 Week 3 LT Reflection Summary
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- Discuss the objectives for ACC 290 Week Two.
What do you think will be the most important of
the skills learned when you are in an accounting
position? Differentiate between accrual basis
and cash basis of accounting. Create Adjusting
Entries. Prepare an adjusted trial balance.
Write a 350 to 500 word summary of your Learning
Teams discussion. -
22ACC 290 Week 3 Practice Quiz (New)
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- www.uophelp.com
- Question 1
- The revenue recognition principle dictates that
revenue is recognized in the period in which the
cash is received. -
- Question 2
- The generally accepted accounting principle which
dictates that revenue be recognized in the
accounting period in which the performance
obligation is satisfied is the -
23ACC 290 Week 3 Vocabulary Activity (New)
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- www.uophelp.com
- Assignment Week 3 Assignment
- Complete the following Week 3 Assignment
- Brief Exercise 4-1
- Problem 4-2A
- Problem 4-3A
- BYP 4-1
- IFRS Practice Question 1
- IFRS Practice Question 2
- IFRS Practice Question 3
- IFRS Practice Question 4
24ACC 290 Week 3 WileyPlus Assignment BE4-1, P4-2A,
P4-3A, BYP4-1, IFRS PQ-1, PQ-2, PQ-3, PQ-4 (New)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- WileyPLUS Assignment Week 3 Practice Quiz
- Resource WileyPLUS
- Complete the following Week 3 Assignment in
WileyPLUS - Chapter 4 Practice Quiz
25ACC 290 Week 4 Discussion Question 1
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- How would you calculate cost of goods sold? What
items make up cost of goods sold? How does
beginning and ending inventory affect cost of
goods sold? What are the journal entries a
merchandising organization would use to record
the purchase and subsequent sale of merchandise?
How would these transactions differ with a
periodic versus a perpetual inventory system? Why
are perpetual inventory systems so much more
popular today than back in the early 1960s and
earlier? Why would a company employing a
perpetual inventory system still take a physical
inventory periodically? -
26ACC 290 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- What are the three different inventory cost flow
assumptions commonly used in commerce today and
allowed by generally accepted accounting
principles? How does a company determine what
cost flow assumption they should use? How does
first in, first out cost flow assumption work?
When it is most appropriate to use? How does last
in, first out cost flow assumption work? When it
is most appropriate to use? How does an average
cost flow assumption work? When it is most
appropriate to use? -
27ACC 290 Week 4 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
ACC 290 Week Four - Problem 4-8A
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- we have another New set of week 4 Willeyplus
assignment which could be found on this link - http//www.uophelp.com/ACC-290-New/product-14752-A
52-BE51-BE52-IFRS5-IFRS54-Do-it-53-54-(New) -
- Complete the following in WileyPLUS Problem
28ACC 290 Week 4 Learning Team Financial Reporting
Problem, Part 1
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- www.uophelp.com
- Financial Reporting Problem Part I
- Browse the Internet to acquire a copy of the most
recent annual report for a publicly traded
company. Analyze the information contained in the
companys balance sheet and income statement to
answer the following questions -
- What are the companys total assets at the end of
its most recent annual reporting period? Why
is this important?
29ACC 290 Week 4 LT Reflection Summary
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Reflection and Financial Reporting Problem Part
I. - Discuss the objectives for ACC 290 Week Three.
How do they relate to the practice of accounting
and its uses in business? Prepare closing
entries, reversing entries, and a post closing
trial balance. Prepare a financial statement
work sheet. Prepare a classified income
statement, retained earnings statement and
balance sheet. Write a 350 to 500 word summary of
your Learning Teams discussion. -
30ACC 290 Week 4 Practice Quiz (New)
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- www.uophelp.com
- Question 1
- A service company's operating cycle is
ordinarily shorter than that of a merchandising
company. - The operating cycle of a merchandising company is
ordinarily shorter than that of a service
company. -
- Question 2
- Due to the turnover time of inventory,
merchandising companies have an operating cycle
that is longer than a service company. - The operating cycle of a merchandising company is
ordinarily ___________________ that of a service
31ACC 290 Week 4 Vocabulary Activity (New)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- WileyPLUS Assignment Week 4 Vocabulary Activity
- Resource WileyPLUS
- Complete the following Week 4 Assignment in
WileyPLUS - Chapter 5 Crossword Puzzle 1
32ACC 290 Week 4 Wileyplus Assignment P4-8A,
BYP5-1, BYP5-2, BE5-1, BE5-2, IFRS5-2, IFRS5-4,
PQ-1, PQ-2, PQ-3 (New)
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Week 4 Assignment
- Complete the following Week 4 Assignment in
- Problem 4-8A
- Brief Exercise 5-1
- Brief Exercise 5-2
- BYP 5-1
- BYP 5-2
- IFRS 5-2
- IFRS 5-4
- Practice Question 1
- Practice Question 2
- Practice Question 3
33ACC 290 Week 5 Discussion Question 1
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- What is the control environment? How does the
control environment affect a companys internal
controls? What are the negative and positive
elements of a control environment? What are two
examples of strong and weak internal controls in
organizations where you have worked or have
first-hand knowledge? How are these different?
How would you describe the key internal controls
that should be in place to protect cash in a cash
rich environment such as a merchandiser? What are
the key internal controls that should be in place
to protect inventory for a merchandiser that
sells highly desirable and very expensive
inventory, such as jewelry? Would this be
different if the business had a less desirable
and less expensive inventory? Explain why or why
not. -
34ACC 290 Week 5 Individual Assignment Financial
Reporting Problem Part II
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- Financial Reporting Problem Part II
- Access the internet to acquire a copy of the most
recent annual report for the public traded
company used to complete the Financial Reporting
Problem, Part 1 assignment due in ACC 290 Week
Four. Analyze the information contained in the
companys balance sheet and income statement to
answer the following questions -
- Are the assets included under the companys
current assets listed in the proper order?
Explain your answer.
35ACC 290 Week 5 Individual WileyPLUS Assignment
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- we have another New set of week 5 Willeyplus
assignment which could be found on this link - http//www.uophelp.com/ACC-290-New/product-14753-A
-BYP62-BE74-BE76-BE51-BE52-BE75-E417-E418-(New) -
- Complete the following in WileyPLUS Brief
Exercise BE5-1, Brief Exercise BE5-2, Brief
Exercise BE6-5, Brief Exercise BE6-7, Brief
Exercise BE7-4, and Brief Exercise BE7-6 -
36ACC 290 Week 5 Learning Team Reflection Summary
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Reflection and Financial Reporting Problem Part
II. - Discuss the objectives for ACC 290 Week
Four. In the wake of accounting scandals over
the past several years, how has the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) of 2002 affected the
practice of accounting? What is the role of
internal controls in complying with SOX (2002)?
Write a 350 to 500 word summary of your Learning
Teams discussion. -
37ACC 290 Week 5 WileyPlus Assignment BE6-5, BE6-7,
BYP6-1, BYP6-2, BE7-4, BE7-6, IFRS PQ-1, PFRS
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Assignment Week 5 Assignment
- Complete the following Week 5 Assignment
- IFRS Practice Question 1
- IFRS Practice Question 2
- Brief Exercise 6-5
- Brief Exercise 6-7
- BYP 6-1
- BYP 6-2
- Brief Exercise 7-4
- Brief Exercise 7-6
38ACC 290 To exceed, you must read/Uophelpdotcom
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