Title: Get Faster And More Flexible Bluray Jukebox – PrimeArray
1Call 800-433-5133
Get Faster And More Flexible Bluray Jukebox-
2About Primearray Systems
PrimeArray is a leader in providing customizable,
dependable data storage products for corporate,
government, institutional and educational
Affordable Data Storage
PrimeArray gives customers an affordable option
when it comes to the storage and distribution of
their valuable business data.
3Virtual Jukebox
PrimeArray CD/DVD servers are "virtual"
jukeboxes. The best way to host CD and DVD
resources for users to share over your
network. We have developed the technology that
made the conventional dvd optical jukebox
obsolete with our virtual dvd / cd / bluray
optical jukebox systems and cd / dvd / bluray
optical servers.
4CD/DVD Optical Servers Features
- Our CD/DVD servers features
- The fastest possible access to your CD/DVD data
over the network - speed that puts jukeboxes to
shame. - Simultaneous access for multiple users - no
waiting in line. - Access to many discs at a time - far more than
you could fit into a jukebox. - Capacity sized to your needs, from 1 to 4,000
discs. - Enhanced reliability because there are fewer
moving parts - unlike a jukebox, which has many
moving parts that can break down.
5Cd/Dvd/Bluray Optical Servers
CD/DVD/Bluray Optical Servers (Virtual jukebox)
deliver improved performance and value compared
to a conventional jukebox for sharing
cd/dvd/bluray optical content over a network. It
is economical to get a special purpose
CD/DVD/Bluray optical server / Virtual optical
jukebox to copy the CDs or DVDs to your
server. It copies an exact image of the disc
rather than simply copying the data file by file,
so it is identical to accessing the disc itself,
only faster. It even neatly catalogs and
index's all loaded discs to make management and
permissions easy as possible.
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USA Phone 978-455-9488 Fax 978-455-8653 Web