Title: Radion Aminov - Love of Travel
1Radion Aminov Love of Travel
Radion Aminov loves to take his family with him
to travel the world. This summer, he and his wife
Kate plan to take their two young girls with them
on a trip to Egypt to see the pyramids. This will
be Aminovs first international vacation since he
took over as CFO of World Funding Company, a
small but growing funding company based in New
York City that helps small businesses get on
their feet.
2Radion Aminov CFO of World Funding Company
Radion Aminov became the Chief Financial Officer
of World Funding Company, a funding company based
in New York. World Funding Company is a small
outfit, helping small businesses come up with the
capital they need to start operations in local
neighborhoods. One of the struggles that Aminov
has had to deal with as the company has grown is
the balance between expanding to new markets
while still making their original stakeholders
and customers happy. Despite its name, the World
Funding Company is dedicated to local New York
City businesses that need capital funding to get
up and running.
3Radion Aminov Family Man
Radion Aminov is proud to spend time with his
wife and two daughters as much as possible.
Although the life of a CFO of a budding funding
company can be busy, Aminov always finds the time
in his busy schedule to take his family to the
beach or for a hike. He loves being around his
family whenever possible and always tries to find
new adventures for all of them to embark upon.
Radion Aminov loves to take trips to Long Island
and Brighton Beach from his home in Manhattan
with his wife and two daughters. As the CFO of a
small but growing funding company, World Funding
Company in New York City, he doesnt have the
time he once had, but he always makes a point to
set aside time to spend with his two daughters
and his wife.
4Radion Aminov Bachelors in Finance
Radion Aminov earned a Bachelors degree in
Finance from New York University in 2000. He
immediately started working on Wall Street and
had secured a posh job at a trading firm in New
York in a few years. At one point, however, he
felt burnt out and was torn between going back to
school for his Masters in Business
Administration and finding a new job. He was
offered the position of CFO at the World Funding
Company, a funding business started by his former
college classmates and took it.
Radion Aminov earned a Bachelors degree in
Finance from New York University in 2000. After
some time on Wall Street and with a prominent
investment firm, Aminov was about to go back to
school for his MBA when he was offered a position
at the World Funding Company. Today, he is the
CFO of the World Funding Company and the proud
father of two daughters.
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