Title: HCS 212 AID Inspiring Minds/hcs212aid.com
1 HCS 212 AID Inspiring Minds/hcs212aid.com
CIS 170 MART Teaching Effectively/cis170mart.com
- www.hcs212aid.com
FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.cis170mart.com
2HCS 212 Entire Course (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 1
Individual Assignment Resources Matrix HCS 212
Week 1 DQs part 1 of 2 HCS 212 Week 1 DQs part 2
of 2 HCS 212 Week 1 Summary HCS 212 Week 2
Individual Assignment Matching Exercise HCS 212
Week 2 DQs part 1 of 2 HCS 212 Week 2 DQs part 2
of 2 HCS 212 Week 2 Summary HCS 212 Week 3
Individual Assignment Professions and Roles
3HCS 212 Week 1 DQs part 1 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 1
DQs part 1 of 2
4HCS 212 Week 1 DQs part 2 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 1
DQs part 2 of 2
5HCS 212 Week 1 Individual Assignment Resources
Matrix (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid
.com Resource University of Phoenix Material
Resources Matrix Locate the University of Phoenix
Material Resources Matrix under the Assessment
section of Week One on your student Web
site. Research valid health care resources using
the Internet, health care journals, textbooks, or
your personal health care provider. Identify six
valid professional and six valid consumer health
care resources.
6HCS 212 Week 1 Summary (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 1 Summary
7HCS 212 Week 2 DQs part 1 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 2
DQs part 1 of 2
8HCS 212 Week 2 DQs part 2 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 2
DQs part 2 of 2
9HCS 212 Week 2 Individual Assignment Matching
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com Locate the Matching
Exercise link under the Assessment section of
your student Web site. Clicking the link will
take you to the interactive exercise in which you
will match terms with their definitions by
dragging and dropping the term onto the
definition. There are 10 terms to define5 on
each page. Complete the Matching Exercise. Save
the Microsoft Word document generated at the end
of the exercise. Post the Microsoft Word
document in your Assignment Section for faculty
10HCS 212 Week 2 Summary (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 2 Summary
11HCS 212 Week 3 DQs part 1 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 3
DQs part 1 of 2
12HCS 212 Week 3 DQs part 2 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 3
DQs part 2 of 2
13HCS 212 Week 3 Individual Assignment Professions
and Roles Matrix (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com Resources Introduction
to the Health Professions and University of
Phoenix Material Professions and Roles
Matrix Locate University of Phoenix Material
Professions and Roles Matrix under the Assessment
section of Week One on your student Web site (see
also Main Forum for Grading Matrix). Review Ch.
730 in Introduction to the Health
Professions. Identify five professions and two
roles within those professions.
14HCS 212 Week 3 Summary (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 3 Summary
15HCS 212 Week 4 DQs part 1 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 4
DQs part 1 of 2
16HCS 212 Week 4 DQs part 2 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 4
DQs part 2 of 2
17HCS 212 Week 4 Individual Assignment Body
SystemsPart I Crossword (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com Resource Body
SystemsPart I Crossword online activity Locate
the link to the Body SystemsPart I Crossword
under the Assessment section of your student Web
site. Clicking the link will take you to the
interactive exercise in which you will fill in
the crossword puzzle based on the clues
given. Complete the Body SystemsPart I
Crossword. Save the Microsoft Word document
generated at the end of the exercise. Post the
Microsoft Word document to your Assignment
18HCS 212 Week 4 Individual Assignment Labeling
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com Locate the link to the
Labeling Exercise I under the Assessment section
of your student Web site. Clicking the link will
take you to the interactive exercise in which you
will label various body organs by dragging the
name to the line indicating the location of the
organ. Complete the Labeling Exercise 1. Save the
Microsoft Word document generated at the end of
the exercise. Post the Microsoft Word document
to your Assignment Section.
19HCS 212 Week 4 Summary (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 4 Summary
20HCS 212 Week 5 DQs part 1 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 5
DQs part 1 of 2
21HCS 212 Week 5 DQs part 2 of 2 (UOP) FOR MORE
CLASSES VISIT www.hcs212aid.com HCS 212 Week 5
DQs part 2 of 2
22HCS 212 Week 5 Individual Assignment Body
SystemsPart II Crossword (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com Resource Body
SystemsPart II Crossword online activity Locate
the link to the Body SystemsPart II Crossword
under the Assessment section of your student Web
site. Clicking the link will take you to the
interactive exercise in which you will fill in
the crossword puzzle based on the clues
given. Complete the Body SystemsPart II
Crossword. Save the Microsoft Word document
generated at the end of the exercise. Post the
Microsoft Word document in your Assignment
23HCS 212 Week 5 Individual Assignment Labeling
VISIT www.hcs212aid.com Locate the link to the
Labeling Exercise II under the Assessment section
of your student Web site. Clicking the link will
take you to the interactive exercise in which you
will label various body organs by dragging the
name to the line indicating the location of the
organ. Complete the Labeling Exercise II. Save
the Microsoft Word document generated at the end
of the exercise. Post the Microsoft Word
document in your Assignment Section
24HCS 212 AID Inspiring Minds/hcs212aid.com
- www.hcs212aid.com