Title: Pet Sitting South Tyneside
1Pet Sitting Gateshead
Pet Sitting Gateshead are able to demonstrate
their commitment to first rate pet care via a
rapidly growing pet sitting client base.
2Dog Walking Sunderland
Dog Walking Sunderland for daily visits to make
sure that your pup or pet isn't alone for too
long, giving them some needed company and
playtime whilst we are there.
3Pet Sitting South Tyneside
Pet Sitting South Tyneside provide a home visits
for all pets you just a require someone to let
your dog out for a toilet break during the day
while you are at work
4Our pet care is designed to provide you the owner
with complete "peace of mind" by offering a
professional personal service that fills you with
537 Keir Hardy Avenue, Wardley Gateshead, Tyne
Wear, NE10 8EJ www.exceptionalpets.co.uk exception
alpets_at_yahoo.co.uk 0191 4383205 07870435684
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