Title: Baby Swimming Benefits At Watersafe Swim School
1- Baby Swimming Benefits
- At
- Watersafe Swim School
2Our Believe
At Watersafe Swim School, we believe that aquatic
safety should be taught using the same concepts,
strategies, and techniques you use at home. 1.
Small steps taught with great love can change a
young childs world. 2. As your baby grows,
they will learn to roll over before they crawl
and crawl before they can walk.
3Baby Swimming Steps
- At Watersafe Swim School, these same small steps
are employed in the water where we will teach
your baby to - hold their breath before going underwater
- roll comfortably onto their back and breath
easily before they learn to jump in - kick and roll back to the wall before they
attempt to swim laps across the pool
4Under 4 Months Old
Start your child swimming as soon as the
umbilical cord heals. Swimming is the one sport
that we can participate in at every age.
Free! 0-4 months old One Private or Parent
Tot Lesson per week
5(No Transcript)
6Connect With Us On Our Social Media Channels
7Contact Watersafe Swim School
3686 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 345
10th Street, Seal Beach, CA 90740
(562) 596-8608 Or 1-855-WSS-SWIM