Title: Stoves Northumberland
1Stoves Northumberland
2Fires In Stone provide the best quality Stoves in
Northumberland, our installers are HETAS
registered and have over 25 years, and we are
experienced in fireplace and fire appliance
installation, and provides the gas, electric and
solid fuel fires.
3Fires In Stone
4Fires In Stone Located in Northumberland. Our
workshops are now quite modern, the same skills,
methods and even some of the same tools are
combined with 21st century machinery and ideas to
create our exclusive range of fireplaces, we are
Each surrounded is made to order, every piece is
worked from the finest quality natural stone and
slate. All our fireplaces bear the masons mark
of authenticity and posterity.
5For more information or services contact us via
Email firesinstone_at_hotmail.co.uk Tel 01670 789
961 Website http//www.fireinstone.co.uk/