Title: Barrett Wissman - Founder of Slow Entertainment Movement
1Barrett Wissman
Founder of Slow Entertainment Movement
2Slow Entertainment Approach
- First came the 'slow food' movement in Italy and
France. Then, 'slow fashion' became a thing. And
now, one LA based man has singlehandedly created
the 'slow entertainment' movement. - Barrett Wissman believes the growth of his slow
entertainment approach will result in nothing
less than a broader cultural understanding
between people and contribute to the appreciation
of what makes us human beings again'--which is
something often all too easily forgotten in our
fast-paced digital age.
3Wine Wedding Song
- Barretts mission in his life to have more and
more people enjoy and love the arts. He organized
festivals to engage local communities and have
music, literature, art, film, cuisine, wine etc. - Wissman is uniquely positioned to "get everybody
involved." No matter how far-flung the festivals
and events, Wissman stays near his roots. "I'm a
pianist," he says, "a concert pianist. I still
play, I play from time to time in the festivals.
So I'm a musician, I come from the arts."
4Guinness World Record for Largest Fireworks
- Barrett Wissman, Principal and Co-Chairman of IMG
Artists, said, We are deeply honored to receive
official recognition from the hard-working and
spirited team at Guinness World Records. IMG
Artists was honored to work with the Government
of Dubai and our production partner Fireworks by
Grucci to achieve this spectacular World Record
and commemorate Dubais memorable year.
5Barrett Wissman Renaissance Man
- Mr Wissman believes in scouting for new talent.
He picked up early on the current classical music
fave, piano prodigy Lang Lang, who will perform
at the Singapore Arts Festival . His approach is
enlightened. - He still has diverse business interests, is a
principal in several financial management and
investment advisory companies, and is on the
boards of several for-profit and non-profit
enterprises. His asset management business,
Arbitex, is largely handled now by efficient
staff he just overseas operations, but says We
have products doing well. - While Mr. Wissman has translated his desire to do
many things simultaneously into practical
reality, he also enjoys the dividends of his
primary investment and hard work to keep music
an active part of his life.
6Festivals Organized by Barrett
The Forbes columnist, financier and Co-Chairman
of IMG Artists (one of the largest performing
arts management groups in the world) has been key
in organizing unique festivals such as the
Festival Del Sole, the Abu Dhabi Festival, the
Placido Dominigo Festival and Tribeca Firenze,
all of which not only offer a stellar lineup of
performing artists and entertainment, but give
guests the opportunity to enjoy exquisite food,
wine and historical exhibitions in a culturally
rich environment.
7http//barrettwissman.com/ http//about.me/barrett
wissman/ https//twitter.com/barrettwissman