Title: Luis Alfredo Baena Holds Multiple Degrees
1Luis Alfredo Baena Holds Multiple Degrees
Luis Alfredo Baena holds a Medical degree, a
Masters degree in Public Administration, and a
Masters degree in International Affairs from the
universities of Militar Nueva Granada, Externado
de Colombia, and Columbia University. He has many
years of experience in both the public and
private sectors in Colombia. He was the Secretary
of Health for the Colombian government for two
years and the Welfare Commissioner for four
years. Dr. Baena has also managed several large
corporations, including Canacol Energy in Bogotá,
2Luis Alfredo Baena Well-Educated
Luis Alfredo Baena became a top executive for a
colombo-canadian energy company, Canacol Energy,
in Bogotá by gaining experience and education
throughout his long career. He has been Director
and Vice President of Business Development for
Canacol since 2007. Baena has a medical degree
from Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, a
Masters degree in Political Science, and
Masters degrees in Public Affairs, and
International Affairs in Finance and Business.
3Luis Alfredo Baena Former Business Consultant in
Luis Alfredo Baena has managed large businesses
all over the world. In 2005, he became an advisor
for BGP Seismic China Company, a position that
prepared him to go into independent consulting
work. For two years, he helped oil and gas
companies establish themselves in Colombia. He
has worked for almost nine years as Director and
Executive VP of Business Development for Canacol
Energy in Bogotá.
4Luis Alfredo Baena International Businessman
Luis Alfredo Baena was born and raised in Bogotá,
the capital city of Colombia in South America.
After earning a medical degree and a Masters
degree in Public Affairs, he worked as the
national Health Secretary for Colombia and the
countrys Welfare Commissioner. He then went on
to manage businesses in the United States, China,
and his native Colombia. He founded his own
company, Canacol Energy, in Bogotá in 2007.
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