Title: How to Cure a Toothache
1 How to Cure a Toothache
2Toothaches often come on suddenly and can be
quite painful. If you dont experience them
often, it can be difficult to know if you need
professional dental treatment or if you should
try to treat it yourself at home. Most patients
use a combination of both of these methods as
they try to figure out how to cure a toothache.
3Home Remedies for ToothachesAs with other types
of dental problems, the best cure is to prevent a
toothache from happening in the first place. You
may be able to do this by brushing and flossing
your teeth twice daily in addition to using
antiseptic mouthwash. Besides preventing frequent
toothaches, this method can also cure a minor
toothache once it has started.
4Mixing garlic and salt together and placing it on
the affected tooth is another simple way to cure
a toothache. However, you should use rock salt
and not table salt if you choose to do this.
Garlic contains an antibacterial agent that kills
bacteria before it can cause tooth pain. The salt
helps to neutralize the garlic and prevent it
from leaving such a strong aftertaste in your
5You may be able to eliminate the pain with an
over-the-counter numbing agent or aspirin. While
these methods temporarily eliminate pain, they
dont help you get to what is causing it. Other
common home remedies include lemon juice mixed
with asafetida or chewing on a raw onion if you
can tolerate the taste.
6Seek a Professional Evaluation for Chronic Tooth
PainEven when the pain is only minor, its
important to have Dr. Madhuri Vanama of Discovery
Dental evaluate your tooth if it persists despite
your attempts at treating it. She will complete
an oral exam to determine what is causing the
problem and then treat it promptly.
7You should also contact us for an appointment if
the pain gets worse over time. If your tooth pain
becomes severe, please contact us at any time for
emergency dental services.