Title: ETH 316 Read, Lead, Succeed/uophelpdotcom
1ETH 316 Read, Lead, Succeed/uophelpdotcom
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2ETH 316 Entire Course
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- ETH 316 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
- ETH 316 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
- ETH 316 Week 1 Discussion Question 3
- ETH 316 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Essay
- ETH 316 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
- ETH 316 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
- ETH 316 Week 2 Discussion Question 3
- ETH 316 Week 2 Team Assignment Community Profile
3ETH 316 Final Exam Guide Set 1
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- Question 1
- Which option am I selecting?
- Answer A
- Answer B
- Question 1 (worth 1.5 points)
- Which theory was not discussed in your assigned re
ading during week 1? - Deontology
- Virtue Theory
- Utilitarianism
- Sentimentalism
- Question 2 (worth 1.5 points)
- One of the key theorists of Ethical Contractariani
sm is
4 ETH 316 Final Exam Guide Set 2
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- Students need not write detailed essays for this p
ortion of the test. Five to eight sentences shoul
d be sufficient for each question. - An exceptional answer will demonstrate an understa
nding of the subject matter through clear, thoroug
h and concise sentences. - As with all assignments from the course, citations
, organization, content, spelling, grammar, punctu
ation, clarity and style will be factored into the
grade. - 1. Aspirational ethics
- 2. Stereotype
- 3. Contractarianism
- 4. Deontological ethics
- 5. Morality vs. Ethics
- 6. Virtue ethics
- 7. Social Responsibility
- 8. Utilitarianism
5ETH 316 Final Exam Guide Set 3
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- 1. Discardingthe few bad applies will no
t solve all of the ethical problems within
an organization. (True/False)2. Good character
is not the main factordetermining whether an ind
ividual actsethically within an organizati
on. (True/False)3. Federal laws define what i
s ethical. Therefore, all unethical behavior is
considered unlawful. (True/False)4. When
employees come to an organization, they have alre
ady developed into good or bad apples.
Therefore, there is much a manager can do to impa
ct an employees ethical behavior. (True/False)5
. Managers
6ETH 316 Week 1 Discussion Question 1
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- One of your friends uses the terms ethics and
morality interchangeably. You do not think this
is correct. How would you explain the difference
between ethics and morality? Provide an example
of morality and one of ethics in your
explanation. - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
7ETH 316 Week 1 Discussion Question 2
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- Select two major ethical theories covered in your
readings for Week One. What are the major
differences between these two theories? Which one
of these theories is most aligned to your
personal beliefs? Explain. - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
8ETH 316 Week 1 Discussion Question 3
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- What are examples of virtues, values, and moral
concepts? How do each of these relate to one
another? In what ways are they separate and in
what ways are they connected? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
9ETH 316 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Essay
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- We have another New set of Week 1 Paper (with new
Instruction) which could be found on this link -
- ETH 316 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Essay
(New) -
- 1. Individual Assignment Ethics Essay
10ETH 316 Week 1 Individual Assignment Ethics Essay
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- Week 1
- Ethics Essay
- Write a 350- to 700-word essay
comparing the similarities and differences
between virtue theory, utilitarianism, and
deontological ethics. Include the following in
your essay - A description of the differences in
how each theory addresses ethics and morality - A personal experience to explain the
relationship between virtue, values, and moral
concepts as they relate to one of the three
theories - Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
11ETH 316 Week 2 Discussion Question 1
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- Consider the community in which you live. What is
your responsibility within your own community?
Explain and provide examples of what you consider
your responsibilities. - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
12ETH 316 Week 2 Discussion Question 2
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- Provide an example of a socially responsible
effort within your community. In what ways does
this influence the community? How do these
efforts affect the individuals within the
community? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
13ETH 316 Week 2 Discussion Question 3
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- According to Ch. 2 of Basic Ethics, It is
inconsistent on one hand to accept the assistance
of the community via schools, police, fire,
roads.and on the other hand to deny to a
reciprocal duty to give back to the community
(Boylan). What are some ways the community asks
its members to give back? Does each individual
have the same responsibilities? Explain why or
why not. - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
14ETH 316 Week 2 Individual Assignment Critical
Thinking Scenario (New)
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- Week 2
- Critical Thinking Scenario
- Select a provided ethical scenario or choose one
from section IV of Thinking Critically. - Analyze your chosen scenario from a critical
thinking perspective. - What is the moral responsibility of
all participants? - What are the stakeholders' moral
failings? - What ideals or obligations are in
conflict? - What is the best outcome, given the
15ETH 316 Week 2 Team Assignment Community Profile
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- 1. Learning Team Assignment Community
Profile Presentation -
- What is a socially responsible effort? Social
responsibility comes from the belief that people,
governments, and organizations have a
responsibility to the greater welfare of society.
What each person determines to be socially
responsible, however, is subject to personal
ideals and beliefs. Examples of socially
responsible efforts include, but are not limited
to -
- o Recycling and using CFL lightbulbs
(individual or organizational)
16ETH 316 Week 3 Discussion Question 1
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- Think of an organization with which you are
familiar. How has that organizations ethical
policies changed as the result of external
pressure? Provide two examples. - Your answer should be between 100-150 words.
17ETH 316 Week 3 Discussion Question 2
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- Consider an organization where you work, or one
with which you are familiar. What is an issue
within the organization that could benefit from
applying ethical principles? How can these
principles be used? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
18ETH 316 Week 3 Discussion Question 3
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- Legal and ethical issues can arise in any
organization. How might these issues be
different? What sort of relationship exists
between the two? Provide an example of each from
current events. What might the organizations
involved have done differently to prevent these
legal and ethical issues? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
19ETH 316 Week 3 Individual Assignment
Organizational Ethics Paper and Presentation (New)
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- Week 3
- Organizational Ethics
- Select an organization you work for or one in
your chosen field. - Conduct online research on the ethics of your
organization and the industry it belongs to. - Write a 750- to 1,050-word paper describing how
ethical principles can address organizational
issues. Include the organization you selected and
discuss the following with regards to that
organization and its industry - What role do external social
pressures have in influencing organizational
20ETH 316 Week 3 Individual Assignment The
Responsibility Project
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- 1. Individual Assignment The
Responsibility Project -
- Resource The Responsibility Project
Web site - Perform a Web search for the site
called The Responsibility Project. Select the
link for this site. - View the short films on the
Responsibility Project Web site.
21ETH 316 Week 3 Team Assignment Team
Responsibility Project Reflection
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- Learning Team Assignment The Responsibility
Project Reflection -
- Resource Team member responsibility
Project Papers - Write a 500-750 word paper that lists
the film chosen by each member of the team and
provide a 75-100 word paragraph that explains why
the member was drawn to choose that film.
22ETH 316 Week 4 Discussion Question 1
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- Much like individuals, organizations also exist
within the community. How does an organizations
responsibility within a community differ from the
individuals? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
23ETH 316 Week 4 Discussion Question 2
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- Identify an organization with which you are
familiar. What are some factors in this
organization that might affect the strategies
they take in developing their socially
responsible efforts? What are some of these
efforts? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
24ETH 316 Week 4 Discussion Question 3
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- Final Paper The final assignment for this course
is a Final Paper. The purpose of the Final Paper
is for you to culminate the learning achieved in
the c..
25ETH 316 Week 4 Team Assignment Corporate Social
Responsibility Presentation (New)
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- Week 4
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Research, individually, a corporate social
responsibility (CSR) policy at a large
organization. Prepare to discuss the benefits and
disadvantages of the policy with your team. - Imagine your team represents the executive
committee at an imaginary organization tasked
with drafting a CSR policy. Each person must
represent a different stakeholder in the company.
26ETH 316 Week 4 Team Assignment Organizational
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- 1. Learning Team Assignment Organizational
Profile -
- Each Team Member will Researcha
community organization on an individual basis. -
- Each Team Member will Write a short
overview (500-750 words) of the organization
that addresses the following -
- o Evaluate the organizations involvement and
responsibility to the community. - o Summarize what factors have influenced the
social responsibility strategies of the
27ETH 316 Week 5 Discussion Question 1
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- The organization where you work is expanding into
the global market by opening an office in China.
What are some potential ethical and social issues
that may arise as the company expands into this
new area? Can these issues be avoided or
mitigated? Why or why not? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
28ETH 316 Week 5 Discussion Question 2
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- Identify a cultural practice that is considered
acceptable in one country but is not acceptable
in another. What are some cultural considerations
that affect the resulting ethical perspectives in
differing cultures? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
29ETH 316 Week 5 Discussion Question 3
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- What new ethical and social responsibility issues
might present themselves when moving from a
domestic-only organization to one that now
reaches a global arena? Why are they different? - Your answer should be between 100-150 words
30ETH 316 Week 5 Individual Assignment Cross
Cultural Perspectives
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- We have another New set of Week 5 Paper (with new
Instruction) which could be found on this link -
- ETH 316 Week 5 Individual Assignment
Cross-Cultural Perspectives Paper and
Presentation (New) -
- 1. Individual Assignment Cross-Cultural
31ETH 316 Week 5 Individual Assignment
Cross-Cultural Perspectives Paper and
Presentation (New)
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- o Week 5
- o
- o Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- o
- o Identify a global organization with a
multinational presence. - o Identify and research a cultural issue that
affects this organization's interactions outside
the United States. - o Define the issue and provide an overview of
how became an issue in the organization. - o Prepare an analysis of the ethical and social
responsibility issues your organization must deal
with as a result of being global. - o Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper
summarizing the results of the analysis. Include
the following - o Identify ethical perspectives in the
global organization.
32ETH 316 week 5 Individual Assignment Final
Examination Paper 2000 words
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- 1. Individual Assignment Final Examination
The final examination will require you to answer
several questions after having read a few
articles and viewed several videos. I will post
the specific list of videos as well as the name
of the articles and direction on how to find it
in The University Library. These instructions
will be posted in the Main Newsgroup in the
evening of July 3th. Mores specific instructions
such as word count etc., will be included. - Prepare to take the final examination.
33ETH 316 Read, Lead, Succeed/uophelpdotcom
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