Title: COM 130 Education on Your Terms/com130dotcom
1COM 130 Education on Your Terms/com130dotcom
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2COM 130 Entire Course
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- COM 130 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2
- COM 130 Week 1 Checkpoint Legal Considerations
- COM 130 Week 2 Assignment Writing for an Audience
- COM 130 Week 2 CheckPoint Collaborative and
Individual Writing Processes - COM 130 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2
- COM 130 Week 4 Assignment Creating Surveys
- COM 130 Week 4 CheckPoint Using the Library to
Research - COM 130 Week 5 CheckPoint APA Guidelines
- COM 130 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2
- COM 130 Week 6 Assignment Writing Instructions
- COM 130 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2
- COM 130 Week 8 Assignment The Rough Draft
- COM 130 Week 8 CheckPoint Journals and Scientific
Documents - COM 130 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question
- COM 130 Week 9 Final Project Your Career as an IT
3COM 130 Week 1 Checkpoint Legal Considerations
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Assignment Writing for an Audience
- Resource Ch. 2 of Professional and Technical
Writing Strategies - Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Imagine you have been asked to communicate to
several clients regarding a delay in the - production of widgets your company produces. Your
clients are both local and - international. They have diverse backgrounds,
technical experience, and understanding. - 1. Choose and utilize a prewriting technique to
gather your thoughts. - 2. Create a draft of the document that will
deliver the news to your company's clients - consider a letter format for the document.
- 3. Use post writing steps to ensure your document
is ready to be sent to your manager for approval. - Remember what you have learned about audience
and how to convey both positive and - negative news.
4COM 130 Week 1 DQ 1 and DQ 2
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- Discussion Question 1
- Post your response to the following Describe
the skills of a successful technical writer. - Provide at least three examples and explain their
importance to the technical writing - process. If you were a technical writer, which
skills would you consider most vital to your - position and why?
- Discussion Question 2
- Post your response to the following Based on
Ch. 1, identify two ethical principles that - should guide technical communications. Explain
each of the principles you chose and - provide an example of why each is important.
5COM 130 Week 2 Assignment Writing for an Audience
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Assignment Writing for an Audience
- Resource Ch. 2 of Professional and Technical
Writing Strategies - Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Imagine you have been asked to communicate to
several clients regarding a delay in the - production of widgets your company produces. Your
clients are both local and - international. They have diverse backgrounds,
technical experience, and understanding. - 1. Choose and utilize a prewriting technique to
gather your thoughts. - 2. Create a draft of the document that will
deliver the news to your company's clients - consider a letter format for the document.
- 3. Use post writing steps to ensure your document
is ready to be sent to your manager - for approval.
- Remember what you have learned about audience
and how to convey both positive and - negative news.
- Include all parts of the writing process for
your instructor to see. - Write 1,050 to 1,400 words.
6COM 130 Week 2 CheckPoint Collaborative and
Individual Writing Processes
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- CheckPoint Collaborative and Individual Writing
Processes - Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Identify and explain at least three advantages
and three disadvantages of the - collaborative writing process in 200 to 300
words. In what situations might an individual - writing process be preferable?
- Post your summary as an attachment.
7COM 130 Week 3 DQ 1 and DQ 2
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- Discussion Question 1
- Post your response to the following Describe
some of the benefits of utilizing graphic - design or visual elements in a technical
document. Identify at least three types of
graphic - or visual elements that can be added to technical
communications. What must a technical - writer consider in order to use these elements
effectively? -
- 4. Discussion Question 2
- Post your response to the following Provide an
example of a presentation you viewed - but felt was ineffective (the presentation could
have been a TV commercial, a speech, an - instructors lecture, or another type of
presentation). What would have made the - presentation more powerful? What are some key
elements you will consider when designing a
presentation to give in front of a future boss or
8COM 130 Week 4 Assignment Creating Surveys
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Assignment Creating Surveys
- Resources Appendix B and Ch. 5 of Professional
and Technical Writing Strategies - Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Follow the instructions below to create and
utilize a survey - 1. Using a Microsoft Word document, create a
short survey based on a topic related to - careers in general, careers in IT, or another
occupational topic. (See Appendix B for - further instruction and for examples.)
- 2. Include a disclaimer in your survey that
indicates the project is for school, no name is - needed from the individual, and the results are
confidential. - 3. Use the checklist on pp. 191-192 to ensure
your survey is complete and makes - sense.
9COM 130 Week 4 CheckPoint Using the Library to
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- CheckPoint Using the Library to Research
- Resources Appendix A and Ch. 5 of Professional
and Technical Writing Strategies - Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Conduct a search on your IT career choice to
write about for your final project using the - University Library (https//axiaecampus.phoenix.ed
u/secure/gotoLibrary.asp). - Select one periodical article to review (either
a newspaper or magazine). - Summarize the article in your own words. Be
sure to acknowledge all necessary - information pertaining to where you located the
article (such as the articles author, title, - and publication name). The summary should be 200
to 300 words. - Post your summary as an attachment.
10COM 130 Week 5 CheckPoint APA Guidelines
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- CheckPoint APA Guidelines
- Resources Appendix C and Ch. 2 of the Writing
Style Handbook - (https//axiaecampus.phoenix.edu/Writing_Style_Han
dbook_AxiaUOP.pdf) - Due Date Day 5 Individual forum
- Open Appendix C and save it to your computer.
Using APA guidelines, put the - information into proper format.
- Post the corrected document as an attachment.
11COM 130 Week 5 DQ 1 and DQ 2
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- Discussion Question 1
- Post your response to the following questions
Why is documentation important in the - technical writing process? What positive and
negative occurrences have you run into - while using different documentation styles?
- Discussion Question 2
- Post your response to the following Identify
the four most widely accepted style - conventions for professional paper documentation.
What purpose does each of these - conventions serve, and which is most appropriate
for technical writing? Explain why.
12COM 130 Week 6 Assignment Writing Instructions
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- Assignment Writing Instructions
- Understanding your audience and being clear and
concise when writing instructions is crucial - to the receiver's ability to successfully follow
the instructions. When the writer does have not - a clear vision of the intended audience, he or
she should design the instructions for the most - basic reader.
- Resources Appendix D and Ch. 7, 9, 10 of
Professional and Technical Writing - Strategies
- Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Create a set of instructions explaining how to
save a Microsoft Word document on a - computer running a Windows-based operating system
to a computer disc. Ensure the - instructions are clear and concise, and include
all steps that would be relevant to the - most basic of audiences. Include a screen shot.
(See Appendix D.) - Use at least one term in the document that
would require a definition. Write the definition - appropriately. (See Ch. 7 of Professional and
Technical Writing Strategies.) - Explain briefly in a summary at the end of the
instruction how these directions would vary - if you knew specifically who your audience was.
13COM 130 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2
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- Discussion Question 1
- Post your response to the following
- o Describe a scenario in which you were asked to
provide a report. Include a - description of the intended receiver of the
report. Describe the different types of - reports you could have used, and why the report
you chose was most appropriate for - this audience.
- o Discuss what a technical writer must consider
when using reports to present - information (audience and organization, for
14COM 130 Week 8 Assignment The Rough Draft
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- Assignment The Rough Draft
- Resource Appendix A
- Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Prepare a rough draft of your final project.
Organize the draft so it flows and makes - sense. At this point, your draft should be 80
complete and include properly cited - references that follow APA guidelines.
- Post the rough draft as an attachment.
15COM 130 Week 8 CheckPoint Journals and Scientific
- For more course tutorials visit
- www.uophelp.com
- CheckPoint Journals and Scientific Documents
- Resources Appendix A and Ch. 17 of
Professional and Technical Writing Strategies - Due Date Day 4 Individual forum
- Write three separate paragraphs on the
following - 1. Discuss the purpose of journals and
professional papers. - 2. Discuss the organization of a technical
scientific paper. - 3. Use the University Library (https//axiaecampus
.phoenix.edu/secure/gotoLibrary.asp) - to find a scholarly journal article related to
your final project. Read and write a brief - summary of the article. Be sure to document it
according to APA guidelines. - Save your three paragraphs in one document.
- Post your document as an attachment.
16COM 130 Week 9 Capstone Discussion Question
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- Capstone Discussion Question
- Due Date Day 3 Main forum
- Post your response to the following How will
what you have learned in this class help - with your future IT classes and your future as an
IT professional? Provide specific - examples.
17COM 130 Week 9 Final Project Your Career as an IT
- For more course tutorials visit
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- Final Project Your Career as an IT Professional
- Resources Appendix A and Ch. 1 - 7, 9, 10, 14,
15, 17, 19 of Professional and - Technical Writing Strategies
- Due Date Day 7 Individual forum
- Write a 1,750- to 2,100-word research project
detailing one of the following career - choices
- o Web developer or administrator
- o Project manager
- o Database administrator
- o Computer programmer
- o Network and computer systems administrator
- o Computer engineer (software or hardware)
- Your research should provide insight into this
career field for a population of high school - seniors. Your research will potentially be
published in an online careers
18COM 130 Education on Your Terms/com130dotcom
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