Title: Different Methods of Acupuncture
1Different Methods of Acupuncture
2What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture, or needle therapy (zhenjiu) as it
is called in Chinese, is one of the most ancient
forms of therapy, which is gaining more and more
popularity in the U.S. for the treatment of acute
and chronic pain as well as systemic inflammatory
conditions. During the treatment, very thin,
solid, hair-like needles are inserted at specific
points on the body. In Chinese these points are
called neural nodes (jie) and the stimulation
of these nodes affects both the central and
peripheral nervous systems.
3It triggers the release of the bodys internal
chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins,
which have pain-relieving properties. Secondly,
this method of treatment causes vaso-dilation
(opening of blood circulation). The healing
prowess of your body lies in the blood. The
improved blood circulation delivers hormones and
immune cells to whatever part of the body that
the needle has stimulated. This is how the body
heals itself there is no medicine on the needles.
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4How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture improves the bodys functions and
promotes the natural self-healing process by
stimulating specific anatomic sites--commonly
referred to as acupuncture points, or acupoints.
The most common method used to stimulate
acupoints is the insertion of fine, sterile
needles into the skin. Pressure, heat, or
electrical stimulation may further enhance the
effects. Other acupoint stimulation techniques
include manual massage, moxibustion or heat
therapy, cupping, and the application of topical
herbal medicines and linaments.
5Different Types of Acupuncture
- Some of the many different types of acupuncture
practiced around the world include - Acupressure Is a form of acupuncture that uses
pressure and massage techniques to stimulate
acupoints rather than needles. Acupressure itself
is practiced in many different ways across the
world. - Moxibustion Involves the stimulation of
acupuncture points through the burning of a herb
called moxa near these points.
6- Auricular acupuncture The focus of this type of
acupuncture is the ear. Either needles or minute
electrical currents are used to treat a variety
of different techniques. The idea is to stimulate
signals to the brain that can relieve pain and
help promote recovery. - Japanese acupuncture Is basically the practice
of acupuncture in Japan, which has developed many
of its own unique facets. Japanese acupuncturists
will often use touch as part of the diagnostic
process. This form of acupuncture also usually
involves very fine needles which are not inserted
to a significant depth. This practice will also
sometimes involve using acupressure or
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