Title: Incorporating a company in India
1Incorporating a company in India
- www.ahlawatassociates.com
2How can you define a company?
- A company, in common parlance, means a group of
persons associated together for the attainment of
a common end, social or economic.
3How does law defines a company?
- According to sec. 3 (1) (ii) of the Companies
Act, 1956 a company means a company formed and
registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or any
of the preceding Acts. Thus, a Company comes into
existence only by registration under the Act,
which can be termed as incorporation. -
4Advantage of incorporating a company in India
- Independent corporate existence
- Limited liability
- Perpetual succession
- Common seals
- Transferable shares
- Separate property
- Capacity for suits
- Professional management
5Disadvantage of incorporating a company
- Lifting of corporate veil
- Determination of character
- For benefit of revenue
- Fraud or improper conduct
- Agency or trust or government company
- Under statutory provisions
- Formality and increase in expense
- In SC held that a company though a legal person
is not a citizen neither under the provisions of
the Constitution nor under the Citizenship Act.
7What is necessary to incorporate a company in
- To register the company following documents are
necessary - - 1) Memorandum of Association.
- 2) Articles of Association, if necessary.
- 3) A copy of the agreement, if any, which the
company proposes to enter into with any
individual for his appointment as the managing or
the whole-time director or the manager. - 4) A declaration that all the requirements of
the Act have been complied.