Title: Honda Service in Yonkers | Yonkers Honda
1Yonkers Honda Services
Yonkers Honda is conveniently located at 500
Yonkers Avenue, Yonkers NY 10704. The staff at
our Yonkers Honda dealership's car repair centre
is ready to work for you. Schedule an appointment
today by filling out our online service
appointment form, or give us a call.
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3About Our Service Department
Yonkers Honda in Yonkers has Honda Factory
Trained and Certified Technicians who have the
latest diagnostic and maintenance equipment! We
are here to fix your Honda vehicle quickly with
genuine Honda Parts. Our friendly and courteous
staff is committed to providing exceptional Honda
service. Your Honda vehicle represents a
significant investment and taking an active role
in maintaining your vehicle will help you protect
this investment. Proper maintenance will help
extend the life of your Honda and preserve its
value. In addition to helping you avoid costly
repairs down the road, regular maintenance will
optimize your Honda's performance, safety and
fuel efficiency. For example, over time your
Honda car, SUV, truck or minivan will be exposed
to natural environmental factors such as
friction, pollution, and temperature extremes.
Let our Yonkers Service Team help you to learn
about minimizing factors such as Friction
Certain auto parts naturally contact others,
causing friction. We can assist you to get more
information about friction, potential problems,
and a schedule for oil changes and
lubrications. Pollutants Dirt, corrosion, and
other materials can clog fuel and lubrication
systems. Damage Environmental elements such as
industrial fallout, air pollutants, and even
sunshine can damage your Honda.
4Contact Us