Title: Services Offerd By Ahmedabad Aviation & Aeronautics Ltd.
1Services Offerd By Ahmedabad Aviation
Aeronautics Ltd.
2Flower Petal Showering
Make any occasion memorable let the soft petals
shower upon you and your guests from the Heavens.
We ensure on time and on spot flower petal
showering by our aircraft. Apart from the
descending petals, the spectacle of an aircraft
coming in to drop the flowers is very exciting to
3(No Transcript)
4Leaflet Dropping
One of the best way to advertise. Choose the
right occasion to make maximum impact by having
the leaflets descend in large numbers and over
considerable area. Here also, the site and sound
of aircraft coming in to release the leaflets
ensures attention of the target audience to get
the maximum publicity.
5 Air Charters
Currently we provide charters on our 4 seat
aircraft (1 Pilot and 3 passengers) to get you to
your destination in style and minimum time. All
our aircraft, piloted by experienced
professionals, are capable of short haul charters
at very nominal cost. By Mar 2012, a six seat
(15), twin engine aircraft will also be
operational for undertaking charters.
6 Joy Rides
Enjoy the thrill of being airborne with your
friends and loved ones, and see the landscape
passing beneath you slowly. It is an experience
which you would never get in any other airplane,
as you are sitting right next to the Pilot and
can observe how the airplane is flown.
7Created By www.aaa.co.in