Title: Lifelong Learning Starts with ALLE Online™ -Jennifer Clancy, Phoenix
1Lifelong Learning Starts with ALLE Online
-Jennifer Clancy, Phoenix
2Founded in 2013 as ALLE Learning, ALLE Online
was launched in 2016 at https//alle-learning.com
. The ALLE Online program is designed to promote
lifelong learning for seniors who live in
assisted living communities. Lifelong learning is
the idea that even though formal education may
end in the early years, senior learners are quite
capable, ready, and eager to participate in
informative and educational classes.
3Jennifer Clancy of Phoenix co-founded the ALLE
Online learning system after being inspired by
her mother who was diagnosed with Alzheimers
disease. With a background both in education and
technology sales, she was able to spearhead the
mission to promote lifelong learning for senior
learners across the country.
4Senior learners benefit from lifelong learning
and the ALLE Online program because it is
interactive, exciting, engaging, promotes
socialization and leads to an overall improvement
in the quality of life, as well as enhancing self
esteem. Seniors who participate in lifelong
learning classes improve their memory,
decision-making skills, cognition, and can
possibly stave off Alzheimers disease as well as
other forms of dementia.
5The classes available at ALLE Online include
age-appropriate classes and intriguing,
motivating and inspiring classes that get senior
learners excited about the world around them, as
well as learning about the past. Some of the
classes include Northwest Coastal Art, Simple
Poetry, Thomas Edison, Grand Central
Station, and many others.
6Classes at ALLE Online are affordable and are
designed to be taught by activity directors and
staff at assisted living communities. They are
interactive and come with a number of extras
including a slide deck, participant handouts,
lesson plan, speaker notes, and more. Membership
options are available for those who are
interested in the ALLE Online Lifelong Learning
Experience. Choose from Basic, Monthly, Premium
Corporate. The higher the membership level, the
better the savings and the more options that
become available.
7Thank You Jennifer Clancy Phoenix