Title: Naming parts in Sentences
1Naming Parts
2- The naming part of a sentence tells us who or
what the sentence is about. - Lets look at some sentences and find the naming
3- Emma is playing outside.
- Who is playing outside?
I am the naming part of the sentence. I
am Emma.
4- Libby likes to go for a walk.
- Who likes to go for a walk?
I am the naming part of the sentence. I am
5- Grandma plays music.
- Who plays music?
- Grandma is the naming part.
6- The children play in the wagon.
- The children is the
- naming part.
7What is the naming part of this sentence?
The little baby is looking at me.
8 Did you get it ?
The little baby is the naming part it tells
who this sentence is about.
9Think of a naming part for each sentence below
___ went to the circus
___ swung on the swing high above
everyone .
10A naming part can be more than one word. Read
these naming parts
- Bo and Bella run and jump on the slide.
- .
Everyone on the team met at the water
park! .
All the children wore their bathing suits.
11Think of a naming part that is more than one
word for each sentence below .
__ and __ rode on the roller coaster twice!
__ and __ didnt want to go home.
12Remember a naming part of a sentence
tells who or what the sentence is about.
13Remember a naming part of a sentence
usually, comes at the beginning of a
14Remember a naming part of a sentence can
include one or several names of people or
things. It can be more than one word.
15Write a sentence about this picture.
Underline the naming part of it.