Title: Qualities of Emerald Gemstone
1Qualities of Emerald Gemstone
Presented By- Emerald.org.in
2Standard Emerald Gemstone
The price of standard emerald gemstone is
reasonable that allows people to purchase this
gemstone. The price of one carat emerald stone or
Panna is around 2000 to 2500 per carat.
3Fine Quality Emerald Stone
The fine quality emerald stone will have less
inclusions and it is barely possible to spot
inclusions with bare eyes. Due to its quality
parameter the price of the stone is around 2500
Rs per carat.
4The Premium Quality Emerald Stone
The premium quality emerald stone is high quality
gemstone. It encompasses only little inclusion
that is barely seen with the naked eyes. The cut,
clarity and inclusions make this stone one of the
best looking gemstone.
5Super Premium Emerald Stone
The premium quality emerald stone is high quality
gemstone. It encompasses only little inclusion
that is barely seen with the naked eyes. The
price of emerald stone will range from 15000 per
6Benefits of Wearing Emerald Stone
- It will also resolve all issues related to brain,
such as depression, negative thinking. - Those students who feel insecure and not able to
concentrate on their studies should wear this
stone. - Wearing this stone will increase self confidence
and memory power that will altogether help one to
score maximum marks in exams. - The gemstone will help in resolving mental
conflicts and brain issues.
Resource- http//emerald.org.in/
7Contact Us Website- Emerald.org.in Call
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