Title: 4 Reasons Hormone Replacement Therapy Works
14 Reasons Hormone Replacement Therapy Works
2- Menopause can be a difficult period in a womans
life, during which the hormonal balance is
disturbed, forming conditions for vascular,
psycho-emotional, and genital disorders, and in
addition, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and
cardiovascular system diseases. However, hormonal
balance disorder can appear not only in menopause
period, and it is also important to note it can
also be a problem for men. - In men, after 40 years, there occur hormonal
changes, significantly suppressing the physical,
sexual, and mental abilities. It is manifested
typically in abdominal obesity and a decrease in
muscle mass. In the worst situations, it can even
lead to depression.
3Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended
in both cases, but they are different for men and
for women, because of gender specifics.
Generally, when referring to HRT, we have in mind
the treatment for menopause symptoms, so, as a
woman, you should know the 4 reasons why hormone
replacement therapy works
4It greatly reduces menopause symptoms
- Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment aimed
at replacing, as the name suggests, the missing
hormones in the body. After the restoration of
hormone levels, menopause symptoms quickly
disappear. Furthermore, HRT prevents the
development of long-term consequences of
menopause, such as osteoporosis and
cardiovascular diseases. - It is better to start the therapy as early as
possible when the first symptoms of menopause
appear. To reduce the early symptoms, it is
enough to take HRT for two years. However, for
the prevention of osteoporosis, HRT can be used
for at least 5-10 years after menopause.
5It can significantly reduce the number of deaths
- It is not an exaggeration that hormone
replacement therapy prevented many deaths.
According to a medical study, estrogen avoidance
increased the number of deaths in women by
approximately 50 000. Estrogen is an important
body hormone for optimal functioning. As reported
by both Time Magazine and Forbes, anywhere from
18 600 to 91 600 women may have died prematurely
during the menopause period over the last 10
years because of not using estrogen replacement.
6Statistics show HRT greatly reduces menopause
- As mentioned above, during menopause period there
is higher probability of terrible complications
like osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.
So, to make sure that hormone replacement therapy
actually works, you can simply watch statistics. - The high efficiency of HRT in the treatment and
prevention of complications arising in the
postmenopausal period are proved by the results
of many large-scale studies, which show that the
risk of myocardial infarction with HRT is reduced
by 30-35, the heart stroke by 40-45, and hip
fractures by more than 50 (Rozenbaum H., 1996).
7Besides Estrogen, Progesterone also shows
positive effects
- Unlike estrogen replacement therapy alone, HRT is
a combination of estrogen and progesterone.
Progesterone in HRT is important because it
prevents the uncontrolled growth and accumulation
of cells in the Endometrium (which occurs when
you take only estrogen), and it significantly
reduces and may even eliminate the risk of
uterine cancer in women who take only estrogen. - If you have decided to use such a treatment,
dont forget to consult your physician!
8Questions? Comments?
- We are happy to help you!
- Website http//bhrcenter.com
- Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center
- info_at_bhrcenter.com
- (310) 473-5800
- Sources
- http//bhrcenter.com/4-reasons-hormone-replacement
-therapy-works/ - http//articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive