Title: Managed WP Hosting
1The rise of Solid State Drives is making regular
hard drives obsolete in almost every way
conceivable, and
- TDWS is here to shed some light on the situation.
2Solid State Disk drives use non-volatile memory
to store information.
3- Unlike regular volatile memory (RAM), this means
that the data isnt lost when power source is
removed. The traditional drives need to spin
their magnetic disks to locate data before any
operation can be done with the date SSDs dont
have mechanically moving parts, so seek times
(the time it takes to locate your data on the
drive) are up significantly faster.
4In terms of raw I/O performance, testing showed
Mbps (megabits per second) of transfer under
heavy load to be double or greater compared to
enterprise class Mechanical hard drives one SSD
can achieve the same throughput or better than a
3-disk RAID 0 array.
5In summary better core performance, faster
database queries, faster caching thats a
winning formula for more traffic, more sales, and
more revenue. What are you waiting for?
6The benefits of quicker data access for your
server is obvious, but there are particular
highlights to modern data-driven sites that
dynamically generate pages from countless of
database queries.
- https//tdwebservices.com/ssd-hosting/
7- The difference is in raw data access times,
compared to a regular hard disk, its measured in
milliseconds, but when your site is being
bombarded by high traffic, those milliseconds can
make all the difference!
8- Unlike Hard Disks, which can just fail suddenly,
resulting in total data loss, the nature of
anything mechanical has a higher rate of failure
compared to electronics, SSDs simply prevent
further write access at their end of life, while
the data stored within it can still be read. The
lack of moving parts also means theyre less
susceptible to shock or vibration damage, and
thermal output.
9Use cases Where are SSDs crucial?
- It is particularly important for dynamic
data-driven websites, those with high traffic,
the access time the time is takes to locate the
data area before it can be operated with, is
crucial. Inspecting various benchmarks, with Hard
Disks, this can vary from 15-20 milliseconds,
while SSDs can perform as quick as 0.2
milliseconds. Its obvious, in a world where
milliseconds of the response time of a website
are critical, SSDs offer an undisputed advantage.
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- https//tdwebservices.com/ssd-hosting/