Title: Best Recruitment Solution Company
Best Recruitment Solution Company
2 About Resume On .com
- We are Indias leading job and resume search
engine catering to distinct needs of both job
seekers and job providers. What differentiates us
from other such service providers, is a set of
unique features like easy and quick access
to Resumes, registration free job search, no
joining fees for job providers as well as job
seekers, and much more. - What makes ResumeON.com special ?
- Quick access to resumes
- No registration required
- No lengthy and complex forms to be filled
- Resume search with out login
- No joining fees required
3 How it Works
Job Seekers Job seekers can either directly apply
to the jobs by filling their job requirements in
the link provided on home page and clicking on
the search job button, or alternatively they can
click on the Post Your Resume button and fill in
the required details. On successful submission of
details in both the cases, a system generated
mail containing the log-in username and password
will be sent to the users registered e-mail id,
which can be used by the user in future for
accessing his account on this site. Job
Providers Job providers can search resume of the
prospective candidate by simply filling their job
requirements in the link provided on home page
and clicking on the search resume button. They
can also post their jobs on the site by clicking
on the Post Your Job button and filling in the
required details. On successful submission of
details in both the cases, a system generated
mail containing the log-in username and password
will be sent to the users registered e-mail id,
which can be used by the user in future for
accessing his account on this site .
4 Easy To Access
Resumeon.com accounts are free and give you
access to lots of great features
Get Jobs by email
Receive relevant jobs in your inbox as
soon as they appear
Get headhunted
Create a profile and publish your CV so
potential employers can
get in touch
Make Shortlists
Bookmark jobs that
interest you, so you can come back to them
5 Website Traffic Analysis
From 2011 to 2015 Traffic analysis report
according to Google .com
6 Our Partners
Jobs4Jobs - Free online jobs and resumes
database. Employers post jobs free / search
resumes. Jobseekers post resume / search jobs
free. Trovit - A job search engine. Jooble -
All jobs in India. Search jobs across all known
job boards, companies, websites and recruitment
agencies. Indeed - Job Search by Indeed. one
search. all India jobs. Jobisjob - Job search
engine with thousands of job ads from the best
Indian Job Boards and top hiring
companies. VipJob - Job vacancies from all job
search sites and listings. Find new job and start
your career today. Mitula - Search engine for
real state, used cars and job offers ads in India.
7 Contact Us
Office Address ResumeOn http//www.resumeon.com/
208, Apra North-Ex. Plaza, Netaji Subhash
Place Pitampura, Delhi - 110034INDIA Email
mail_at_resumeon.com Follow Us