Title: Sober Companion Los Angeles
1 Sober Companion Los Angeles
2 Are you in need of a sober companion in Los
Angeles? At The Hills Treatment Center, can place
you with someone who will commit himself or
herself to helping you or your loved one stay
3- What is a sober companion?
- Someone who helps you maintain your sobriety
- Highly trained and experienced
- Provides important assistance for your daily life
- Accompanies you as often as you want or need
- Understands what youre going through
- Plays a crucial role in your sobriety
- Offers helpful tools on the path towards recovery
4- A sober companion offers
- time and one-on-one attention
- otherwise known as a sober coach
- shares your goal to maintain abstinence from
drugs or alcohol - helps establish healthy routines
- How do I know if I need a sober companion in Los
Angeles? - Only you can make this important decision
- Ask yourself if a sober companion might be able
to enhance your recovery experience?
5- Are you returning home to someone who still
abuses drugs or alcohol? - Do you still need to work in an environment where
drugs and alcohol are common? - Would you like someone to remove those
temptations? -
- The Hills Treatment Center provides a
comprehensive sober companion Los Angeles program
that you can start today.
6 The Hills Treatment Center 8207 Mulholland Drive
, Los Angeles, California USA Zip 90046 PH
(800) 705-1909