Title: 3 Plus Points of Choosing Global Sourcing Services
13 Plus Points of choosing global sourcing
Presented by Dragon Sourcing
2Reducing Expenses
Dragon Sourcing limited provides the best global
sourcing services, which helps your business to
reduce the cost and overhead expenditure in your
The services are forged in order to make your
business benefited from the low cost countries
3Transformation of Business
We are determined to make your business more
approachable and hence creating a good image in
the global market
The services offered from us makes your business
get better return on investments and hence
making your business surpass other competitors
in your niche
4Benefiting from Asian Subcontinent
There is no doubt that Asian subcontinent is the
hub of progressive countries and good work
Our experts are devoted in making most of your
business investments from China, India,
Bangladesh and Vietnam
5Contact Us
Dragon Sourcing Shanghai Suite 1502-1503, Jin
Tian Di International Mansions 998, Renmin Road
Shanghai, 200021, P.R.China Tel 86 21 61 41 39
55 Fax 86 21 61 41 39 66 Email
contact.asia_at_dragonsourcing.com Dragon Sourcing
Hong Kong 7/F Hong Kong Trade Centre 161-7 Des
Voeux Rd Central, Hong Kong SAR Tel 852 91 80
40 57 Fax 852 25 80 24 26 Email
contact.asia_at_dragonsourcing.com Dragon Sourcing
Vietnam C1A Cu Xa Tan Cang, Dien Bien Phu
Street, Ward 25, Binh Thanh District, HCM City,
Vietnam Tel 84 8 35129390 Fax 84 8
35129391 Email contact.asia_at_dragonsourcing.com
6Thank You