Title: ABINITIO Online TRAINING from maxonlinetraining
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Ab Initio Online Training Concepts
TYPES Partition Components
Departition Components
Multifile System(MFS)
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Transform Components
Working with Databases
Miscellaneous component
Dataset Components
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FTP Components
Compress Components
Validate Component
Translate components
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5Ab Initio Online Training Concepts
- Introduction to Ab initio with excellent
faculties - Ab initio detailed architecture
- Features of Ab Initio Graph, Component, Ports,
DML - Introduction to .dat and .dml files
- Ports available on overall components
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6Departition Components
- Concatenate
- Gather
- Interleave
- Merge
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7Multifile System(MFS)
- Types of parallelism
- Layouts
- Sort Components
- Sort
- Sort with in groups
- Sample
- Partition by key and sort
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8Transform Components
- Filter by expression
- Aggregate
- Scan
- Rollup
- Denormalize Sorted
- Normalize
- Reformat
- Match sorted
- Dedup sorted
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9FREE Interactive Live Demo https//goo.gl/YUzPdw
Filter by expression
Filter by Expression filters data records
according to a specified DML expression.Basically
it can be compared with the where clause of sql
select statement.Different functions can be used
in the select expression of the filter by
expression component even lookup can also be used.
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10(No Transcript)
Join reads the records from multiple ports,
operates on the records with matching keys using
a multi input transform function and writes the
result into output ports.
Reformat changes the record format of data
records by dropping fields, or by using DML
expressions to add fields, combine fields, or
transform the data in the records. By default
reformat has got one output port but incrementing
value of count parameter number. But for that two
different transform functions has to be written
for each output port.
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12Working with Databases
- Database components
- Run SQL
- Input Table
- Output Table
- Truncate Table
- Update table
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13Database components are generally used to read
from/ write to different databse. The basic
database components are run sql , input
table, output table.
Input Table unloads data records from a database
into an Ab Initio graph, allowing you to specify
as the source either a database table, or an SQL
statement that selects data records from one or
more tables.
Output Table loads data records from a graph into
a database, letting you specify the records'
destination either directly as a single database
table, or through an SQL statement that inserts
data records into one or more tables.
Run sql is a database component. It executes SQL
statements in an Oracle or SQL Server database.
14Miscellaneous component
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- Gather logs
- Run program
- Redefine format
- Trash
- Replicate
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15Dataset Components
- Input File
- Output File
- Lookup File
- Intermediate File
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16FTP Components
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17Compress Components
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- Compress
- Uncompress
- Gzip
- Gunzip
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18Validate Component
- Check Order
- Generate Records
- Generate Random bytes
- Compare Records
- Compute Check Sum
- Compare Check Sum
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19Translate components
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- Record XML
- Write XML
- Project and Sandbox
- Performance Tuning
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20Thank You
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